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Pending 1.3.0

When mods or admins throw items under the map to discard them, they come back to the surface. Im not sure how to work around that

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sorry for the late reply, my cat died and we had some very stressful days.
i'm working on it RIGHT NOW and will upload a new version soon


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Thanks for the review despite the chat message that should not appear at the moment. I'll do my best to resolve it asap.


Such reviews are worth more than gold since I am just a very small light in this big sky of famous developers on codefling haha.

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I found after loading the updated version it ran my CPU to 100%, is there something causing this?

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Did you disable the plugin and check it that was the problem?

No, if this should not happen if course. I just asked 3 others persons using the newest version and they did not have any issues.


Are you talking of the client PC or the rust server?

Which process does the task manager show to be the cpu-consuming monster?




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Also, when dropping items onto map.. ie if giving a player something the chat message comes up telling me its been recovered. so basically items not glitching

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hi, thanks for the info.
yeah that's a known issue since I can only check if you are under the map/terrain. which is true, when you are in a cave.

I'll have that on my roadmap to check if a player is inside a cave, but that's crazy hard to do since there is not just "ONE cave" or "THE cave". especially on custom maps, map developers go crazy while building custom tunnels and caves and most of them are not counted as "caves" by rust.

I'll think about a solution


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