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Max Protection Time not working ??

Pending 3.4.7

The Max Protected Time (hours) setting does not appear to be working, or stops working at some point. This issue has been raised to me now, on 2 different servers. If it helps, I've included my configuration below.

Basically the way I configured this ... online protection is 0%, person can be raided 24/7 if they're online. Offline protection though is set to 100% after 5 minutes of the player(s) logging off (15min if they're taking damage). The offline protection though is supposed to be a max of 24 hours if they've not logged back in, within that time frame... and if they log back in, it renews the 24 hour protection.

That is my understanding of the below configuration setup. However 24 hours comes and goes, the base is still 100% protected. I've tested this on bases where players haven't logged in over 5 days and they were still 100% protected from offline raids.


  "Enable Logging": false,
  "Enable Ledger": true,
  "Enable Console Messages": true,
  "Chat Message Icon ID": 0,
  "Commands": {
    "Admin": "tc",
    "Protection": "pro",
    "Levels": "lev"
  "Protection Settings": {
    "Protected entities": {
      "Buildings": true,
      "Deployables": false,
      "Traps": false,
      "Loot Nodes": false,
      "Authed Players": false,
      "Unauthed Players": false,
      "NPCs": false,
      "Animals": false,
      "Vehicles": false,
      "Horses": false,
      "Electrical": true
    "Protected from": {
      "Authorized Players": false,
      "Unauthorized Players": true,
      "Attack Heli": true,
      "NPCs": true
    "Protection levels": [
        "Rank": 1,
        "Online protection percentage (0-100)": 0.0,
        "Offline protection percentage (0-100)": 100.0,
        "Hourly cost per authorized player": 0.0,
        "Hourly cost per floor": 0.0,
        "Hourly base cost": 0.0,
        "Cost per damage protected": 0.0,
        "Max protection time (hours)": 24,
        "Delay for offline protection (seconds)": 300,
        "Delay after taking damage (seconds)": 900,
        "Damage resets timer when owner is offline": false,
        "Allow tugboat protection": true,
        "Founder Limit": null
    "Admin owners removed when deauthorized": true,
    "Award remaining balance when cupboard destroyed": true,
    "Allow max deposit": true,
    "Allow balance withdraw": true,
    "Allow protection pause": true,
    "Panel Tabs": {
      "Offset X": 0,
      "Offset Y": 25,
      "Tab Width": 200
    "Currency item (if not using ServerRewards or Economics)": "scrap",
    "Protect twig": true
  "Image Settings": {
    "Status Protected": "https://i.ibb.co/f4qRcGk/protected.png",
    "Status Unprotected": "https://i.ibb.co/8KHF4Bz/unprotected.png",
    "Status Info": "https://i.ibb.co/f9KSv7G/settings.png",
    "Status Toggle": "https://i.ibb.co/FmBxdDf/toggle.png",
    "Status Refresh": "https://i.ibb.co/r3w1NPV/refresh.png",
    "Info Owners": "https://i.ibb.co/mChVXHJ/key.png",
    "Info Costs": "https://i.ibb.co/Nrd48VW/money.png",
    "Info Check": "https://i.ibb.co/XbThxdm/check.png",
    "Info Cross": "https://i.ibb.co/6r2mx5t/cross.png"
  "Indicator Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "ShowBalanceDeducted": true,
    "FontSize": 18,
    "AnchorMin": "0.80 0.9",
    "AnchorMax": "0.80 0.9",
    "OffsetMin": "0 0",
    "OffsetMax": "64 64"
  "Custom Status Framework Settings": {
    "Popup Attack Indicator": true,
    "Persistent Status For Owners": true,
    "Persistent Status For Non Owners": false,
    "Popup Status When Hammer Equipped": true
  "Simple Status Settings": {
    "Text Value": "duration",
    "Always Show For Owners": false,
    "Always Show For Non Owners": false,
    "Show When Holding Hammer": true,
    "Show When Attacking": true,
    "Show Balance Bleed When Attacking": true
  "Notify Settings": {
    "Protected Type": 0,
    "Unprotected Type": 0
  "Plugin Integration": {
    "Economics": false,
    "Server Rewards": true,
    "Custom Status Framework": false,
    "Simple Status": false,
    "Notify": false,
    "Clans": true,
    "Abandoned Bases": false,
    "Skill Tree": true
  "Version": {
    "Major": 3,
    "Minor": 4,
    "Patch": 7


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