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Pending 2.8.5

Im watching a couple players on my server attack a radable base, and the auto turrets are not targeting them - they just watch them and do not fire ? Any idea as to what is happening ?

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heya, gave same response in discord. you only need to ask in one place. I will answer =p

```turrets are not shooting through prison cell or cell gate. players are definitely abusing this. I reproduced this on a players base so hopefully Facepunch can address it (maybe they did was last Rust update I haven't checked)

add wall.frame.cell.gate and wall.frame.cell to Kill These Prefabs After Paste in the profiles as a solution otherwise

"Kill These Prefabs After Paste": ["wall.frame.cell.gate", "wall.frame.cell"]

if it's not a prison cell/gate then it's another plugin

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