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NPC wont die

Closed 1.4.1 1.5.0



Is this compatible with BetterNPC? for some reason when I leave a monument and go to the next the npc in the next monument have god mode, they can kill me however I cant cause any damage to them, inside the zone or outside



"Monument rules if not monument owner.": {
      "Can a non owner enter or stay in the zone:": true,
      "Can deal damage to NPCs if not an owner:": true,
      "Can deal damage to tanks if not an owner:": false,
      "Can deal damage to barrel if not an owner:": false,
      "Can crates be looted if not an owner:": false,
      "Can collectable items (diesel, cards) be pickup if not an owner:": false,
      "Can crates be hacked if not an owner:": false,
      "Can backpacks be looted if not an owner:": false,
      "Can recycler be used if not an owner:": false,
      "Can NPCs target players if not an owner:": true,
      "Can tanks target players if not an owner:": false



 "Prevent a player from dealing damage to a target if he is outside the zone and the target is inside the zone? The parameter will be taken into account only when the monument has a neutral status.": false,
  "Should the player be allowed to become the owner of another monument if he has fulfilled all the rules? (In this case, the owner's status on the previous monument will be lost for him or his teammate)": true,



after more testing it seems this happens if I lose owner status. however I'm using the map Gasoline and its easy to be in and out of the monuments, also the npc may chase you outside of a monument. leaving you unable to kill the npc I was just trying to set it up so that you could still protect yourself



That's right, you can't deal damage to NPCs because you got a cooldown after you lost the status of the monument owner



Unfortunately, I've had to uninstall the plugin in anticipation of an update for the terrain violations etc. I think it's a great plugin but it's not working out for me in my particular server setup the way I was hoping for. For future reference there is no way a player can defend themselves if they lose owner status of a monument and npc roam outside of the zone?  For example I'm using BetterNPC and the npc will run after a player a short distance. I suppose I could change the range they chase you but depending on where they spawn in that wouldn't really prevent a player from being shot.



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.5.0



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