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Pending 2.8.5

Hi. I can't understand what the difference is between the folders Base_Loot and Difficulty_Loot.
I thought that in the Base_Loot folder there should be files for a specific base(name in copypaste), but you're saying it's for a profile(easy, medium and etc.):


oxide/data/RaidableBases/Base Loot - If a loot table exists in this folder with the same name as a profile then all of the bases in that profile will use this loot table. If you want items in this loot table to always spawn then you must enable Always Spawn Base Loot Table in the respective profile.

oxide/data/RaidableBases/Difficulty Loot - Items will be chosen from these files based on the difficulty of each profile.

What did you mean by 'same name as a profile'?

Edited by IIIaKa

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profiles can have any name and the names they have are simply for your convenience

so if you had a profile named iiiakaeasy then your base loot table would be named iiiakaeasy as well, and that loot table would be for that specific profile.

whereas difficulty loot tables would be based on whatever difficulty is set in each profile

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