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Heli spawn feels unatural

Closed 2.2.5



Can we get a better way to spawn the heli instead of just dropping it on someone's head after starting the crate? Feels very unfair to the player & unnatural. Would be better if the heli spawned from the ocean and quickly flew over. This kills the plugin for me.



Originally it came from the edge of the map, but there was a lot of feedback that players would just loot and run with certain configurations and timers. So it was moved to the event area as if it just took off nearby to defend the loot. It was to add to the challenge.

I am adding to the update notes and suggestions to add a configuration option between edge of map or event area spawning for the defending helis that spawn in the event.



I think a simple reorganizing of the chain of events would make the feels smoother. Pressing the button that calls the container off cargo could simultaneously call the heli from the ocean. That way players can't just grab the loot & run.


You could even make the container not open until the heli is killed. Don't get me wrong the plug-in is awesome, this step in the process just feels very clunky.



The link to this suggestion was already added to our notes but those ideas can also be considered. You did just explain why the nearby spawn was created though, players were calling the patrol heli but looting and running previously hence the nearby spawn, which to most of us made sense as if the patrol heli was either nearby or took off from nearby when an alarm was triggered. Just a thought though the suggestion is already in so I am sure that those ideas will be considered, but the developer already said he would add a configuration to choose between map edge or monument location spawning for the patrol heli.



Hello everyone, it has already been added to the plugin configuration. You can also use tickets in Discord Mad Mappers (https://discord.gg/w6ayNfDGAk) to contact me, this will simplify communication in the future, because communication on the site seems very long



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