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Server owner here. One of my admins sent me this and requested I forward this to you. 



-Armored train doesn't use the ""Train Stop time": " and the trains take a random time to stop
-Vanilla loot and the loot in the list for boxes and locket crates generates inside them.
-When killing the train driver the plugin doesnt see that the train has stopped making npc's not pop out and crates are locked.
-You can drive the trains it no longer says ocupide


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The train stop time is the time at which the train stops if the player attacks it. Or presses the emergency brake. Depends on the configuration settings

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More from my admin. 


  1. changing the time on the "Time to unlock the crates (LockedCrate) [sec.]": line doesn't reduce or increase the time of the locked crates. locked crates stay at 15 minutes
  2. looting crates doesnt add time to the event. players who took the train and have only a few minutes left cant add to the timer by looting
  3. To clarify point 2: vanilla loot and loot set using the config still spawns in elite crates. In the preset for the elite crates if i set it to generate 5 c4 and 4 rockets when a player opens that container they get 5 c4 and 4 rocket but also vanilla loot like what you would get out of an elite crate.
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