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Loot settings

Pending 2.8.5

Hello! Help with setting up loot. We need to adjust the % (drop chance) of certain items. For example, I specify that the test generator has a drop chance from 0 to 0.05. BUT it drops almost every time. However, we want it to be rare, dropping approximately every 10th time. How do I set the % (chance) correctly? Also, a question about "OR." For example, in the crate, there will be either rockets OR C4. Is it possible to specify this in the config?

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heya. ya 0.0 to 0.05 is how you configure it to do that. i've tested this for you and it doesn't spawn more often than it should

it's not possible to specify that. it is random into boxes, TC, lockers, ovens/furnaces, BBQ and fridge depending on which you have enabled

I have probability set to 0.05 (explosive.timed), 0.2 and 1.0 in this base loot file

there is a difficulty loot file separately which has the remaining items

Test Bases.json

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