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Start Crash/Failed

Closed v1




After placing the .cs file in the correct folder and launching the server, it crashes with these last lines...

"Starting Navmesh Source Collecting

Starting Dungeon Navmesh Build with 801 sources

Couldn't load server/identity/CraneIslandv1.247.sav - file doesn't exist

Spawning 2164 entities from map

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at ResourceDepositManager.GetOrCreate (UnityEngine.Vector3 pos) [0x00005] in <10f2d49d43cd465d9c419b6080fbb37a>:0

at MiningQuarry.ServerInit () [0x00021] in <10f2d49d43cd465d9c419b6080fbb37a>:0

at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.BaseNetworkable.Spawn_Patch0(BaseNetworkable)

at BaseEntity.Spawn () [0x00000] in <10f2d49d43cd465d9c419b6080fbb37a>:0

at BaseEntity.SpawnAsMapEntity () [0x00096] in <10f2d49d43cd465d9c419b6080fbb37a>:0

at SaveRestore.SpawnMapEntities (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] entities) [0x0003d] in <10f2d49d43cd465d9c419b6080fbb37a>:0

at ServerMgr.Initialize (System.Boolean loadSave, System.String saveFile, System.Boolean allowOutOfDateSaves, System.Boolean skipInitialSpawn) [0x0008b] in <10f2d49d43cd465d9c419b6080fbb37a>:0

at Bootstrap+<StartServer>d__21.MoveNext () [0x0030c] in <10f2d49d43cd465d9c419b6080fbb37a>:0"

Ionut Shiro


You placed the plugin after trying the map without it , remove all map files and save files related to this map and change the download link also and then retry 

Ionut Shiro


Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug



Ok After multi wipe and reinstall my server, I have not installed carbon, but oxide.

And installing rustedit.dll and the files protected .

Please mark this in the readme.txt so that others don't have this problem in the future.

Its run but I have enough error to loading asset memory 

"Unloading 221600 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3470939.

Total: 2599.796100 ms (FindLiveObjects: 537.006700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 558.510200 ms MarkObjects: 1351.570600 ms  DeleteObjects: 152.707900 ms)"

It's bound to be missing somewhere, as long as I don't fall into an endless hole somewhere on the map.!




Ionut Shiro


I did not receive an e-mail of your answer since Saturday , just casually checked and seen this now .

You didn't need to wipe/reinstall just to install the plugin and delete map file that was already downloaded on your server.

Nothing should be missing on the map as except shape the monuments are facepunch , there's no custom monuments on it

Ionut Shiro


Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed



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