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Is this able to show kills on the hud?

Can't Reproduce 1.7.6


I see nothing there and am back to DeathNotes (and MagicDeathNotesPanel because DeathNotes itself only posts in chat.)...and MagicPanel (since MagicDeathNotesPanel requires it.) I noticed that the upodate shows that it doesn't need DeathNotes now, but it's confusing when the config says "Turn on GPT Powered Death Notes" .... is that referring to DeathNotes or is that what you're calling RustGPTs built in kill feed? And is it just conicidence that the "DiscordMessages Webhook URL" section is with it and that's only for if you want the kill feed posted in disco? Or do I still need the discord info just to have the kill feed show up on the HUD?



My config for that part:

  "OptionalPlugins": {
    "Turn on GPT Powered Death Notes": true,
    "Kill GPT Prompt": "You are an extremely rude color commentator on the hottest new deathmatch show of the future. You use profanity and make fun of the people involved.Respond in one sentence.",
    "DiscordMessages Webhook URL": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
    "Broadcast RustGPT Messages to Discord?": false,
    "Steam API Key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "DeathNoteSettings": {
    "Kill Message Color": "#ADD8E6",
    "Kill Message Font Size": 12,
    "Show simple kill feed in chat": false
  "Response Prefix": "[RustGPT]",
  "Question Pattern": "!gpt",
  "Response Prefix Color": "#55AAFF",
  "Broadcast Response to the server": false,
  "Plugin Version": "1.7.6",
  "Chat cool down in seconds": 10

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I see where the version notes says: "I've eliminated the dependency on the Death Notes plugin by integrating a custom simple death message method."

Does this mean that we can't use Death Notes at all? I have Death Notes and MagicDeathNotesPanel which let's me see the Death Notes kill feed in my HUD. But that message is not in the RustGPT format, which makes me believe that RustGPT is doing nothing to those messages. is the "Kill GPT Prompt" not able to use the HUD display? Only the chat response (which I have disabled?) If so then can we get back some ability to use Death Notes and MagicPanel?

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