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duration of the event

Closed 1.3.6

Dad Frog
Dad Frog

Posted (edited)

what defines the duration of the event? These two lines? :

  "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 2700,
  "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 2700

Another question, this line means :
every x seconds the event starts or x seconds after the end of another event?

"Time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 3600

Edited by Dad Frog


Hey! Te event ends after all NPCs, the helicopter are killed and all crates and supply drops are removed, and the event will automatically end if the next event starts. "Time to event start" - the countdown begins immediately after the server has been started, then the countdown  occurs immediately after the start of the next event

Dad Frog


did I understand right ?
With my config, if no one does the event it will stop after 2700s and another will start 3600s after the end of the first


Posted (edited)

Not certainly in that way. If "Random time to event start": false, then it will be exactly like this but the next event will start 3600 seconds after the start of the previous event! The end of the event may be displayed with a delay of up to a minute. Since checking for the end of an event occurs using a timer with a certain interval

Edited by Fruster
Dad Frog


So with my config, if no one does the event, the next event will start at 3600s - 2700s so 900s after the end of the first.
Am I good? 🙂



not exactly true, the next event will start 3600 seconds after the start of the previous event. But not 900 seconds after the end of the previous event, because the plane needs some time to get to the airfield + another 2700 seconds. Let me know what exactly you want to do and I'll help you set up the config if you have any problems with it

Dad Frog


But yes of course, I hadn't thought that the plane would take a long time to arrive.
You answered my first question, the duration of the event is based on:
“Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)”: 2700,
"NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 2700
And for the other question you explained it to me very well so it will work for my config.
Many thanks Fruster for all these details.

Have a good day.

We can close the request



No problem) If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, you can write to me directly in PM

have a nice day



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