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Health/timer doesn't work correctly

Closed 2.1.6


Posted (edited)



health set to 6000 and after 7 hv, it's killed.... 


other bug, he respawn faster (5min) and we have set between 10-15 min...

if can help, we used a custom map with rustedit but we have bradlet only at launch site, maybe a misstake in configuration...


we use BradleyGuard


Thanks for any suggestion



Edited by Tanki
added combatlog 1000hp
Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

if using BG

    "Change Health (If only using BradleyOptions)": false,

inside BradleyOptions if u using the HP from BG

    "Using BradleyGuards (Codefling)": true

and the other 2 to false inside BradleyOptions

it checks the timer each 15 mins regardless kills (i need to add a timer for after last kill for each BradleyApc incl custom locations)

Edited by Krungh Crow


  "Spawn checks Custom Maps (Use this only when bradley does not spawn correctly on custom maps!!!": {
    "Respawn check (Use rustedit for Custom locations": false,
    "Respawn check (Vanilla Launchsite)": false,
    "Respawn check (Launchsite) each x Minutes": 15.0,
    "Respawn check (all Custom locations) each x Minutes": 15.0
  "Cooldowns": {
    "use cooldown between Bradley Kills": true,
    "Show Gametip on bradleycooldown command": true,
    "cooldown between Bradley kills (minutes)": 90
  "Avoid BradleyOptions override settings for other plugins": {
    "Using Only BradleyOptions": true,
    "Using BradleyGuards/ParaTroopers (Umod)": false,
    "Using BradleyGuards (Codefling)": true
  "Spawn checks Vanilla Maps (use this only when you are using just the Launchsite!!!": {
    "Respawn Use (Launchsite Bradley ,use only when spawn checks are disabled)": true,
    "Min respawn time (minutes)": 30.0,
    "Max respawn time (minutes)": 45.0
  "Bradley Settings": {
    "Enabled (will not spawn when false)": true,
    "Change Health (If only using BradleyOptions)": true,
    "Health": 6000,
    "Max Fire Range": 100,
    "Throttle Responce": 1.0,
    "Hostile timer": 20.0,
    "Ignores sleepers": true,
    "Ignores admins": false
  "Bradley Loot": {
    "Max crates after kill": 5,
    "Remove Napalm": false,
    "Remove Gibs": false,
    "Instantly unlock crates": false,
    "Instantly unlock Gibs": false
  "Bradley Canon": {
    "Canon Fire delay": 0.3,
    "Canon Firerate": 0.25
  "Bradley Machinegun": {
    "Machinegun Bullet Damage": 15,
    "Machinegun Firerate": 0.06667,
    "Machinegun Burst Duration": 10

with this, it work better apparently... need to test more.. thanks for help 😉

Krungh Crow


if using the BG set

    "Using Only BradleyOptions": false,

and select the correct BG version to true

the top section is for IF your Bradley is not spawning at all (bugged) that will force it to spawn on launch so u can keep all of them False under spawn checks


Posted (edited)


  "Avoid BradleyOptions override settings for other plugins": {
    "Using Only BradleyOptions": false,
    "Using BradleyGuards/ParaTroopers (Umod)": true,
    "Using BradleyGuards (Codefling)": false

I've checked and BG from umod, not here (admin said to me BG is from  this website, he commit a mistake :D)


i'l will try with the latest settings, so 🙂 thanks very much for your help.

in hud, it said 30 min and chat 90min... normaly i'm in cooldown 1hrs after (chat) but i can kill him again (so he count the time in hud). Second test, i'm blocked with cooldown 1hrs after killed him, it's said: You have 28 minutes wooldown laft and have to wait to take bradley...

We using lootdefender, idk if can help you for debug...



and about timer for respawn, host using cvar in command line:

-bradley.enabled true -bradley.respawndelayminutes 60 -bradley.respawndelayvariance 1


edit 14h04: bradley don't respawn after the timer of your plugin and he spawn after 1hrs  😂

 added config file


Edited by Tanki
Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

lootdefender has option to set a lock on brad aswell ^^
If disabling all checks it spawns vanilla rate which is 1 hr.
Did u use the health of bradley from BG ?
Allso noticed fromt he screenshot u are not on latest version of BradleyOptions ? (v2.1.6)


Edited by Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

4 minutes ago, Krungh Crow said:

lootdefender has option to set a lock on brad aswell ^^
If disabling all checks it spawns vanilla rate which is 1 hr.
Did u use the health of bradley from BG ?

yes otherwrite it don't work, he have 1000hp...


Edited by Tanki
Krungh Crow


yes if BG and BO both are running it will use the BG Hp settings automaticly



Ok ok thanks for tip's.


My help helping you? ^^ because my english is bad... using google for speak 😄

  • Like 1
Krungh Crow


Ah yes the Umod Version. sucks the same name is used .Need to find a way to check author of the plugin to see which BG is used



I've send your version to my admin, he need to choice so now ^^

  • Like 1


about -bradley.respawndelayminutes 60, i'l need to contact my host for remove this shit? or not needed?

because this parameter can be changed in server.cfg with no worries, I don't know why he put it in command line xD

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

yes if lowered it will do the launchsite bradley respawn as u want it to be 🙂.
Its only optioned in BO if its buggd and will not spawn correctly


Edited by Krungh Crow


On 8/24/2021 at 9:19 PM, Krungh Crow said:

yes if lowered it will do the launchsite bradley respawn as u want it to be 🙂.
Its only optioned in BO if its buggd and will not spawn correctly


I've contacted my host and he don't want remove this... I don't recommand this, too many problem with... (Scala....)

Krungh Crow

Posted (edited)

you cant set your own server variables in server.cfg ?

Edited by Krungh Crow


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