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Too many rocket rounds.

Can't Reproduce 1.2.3



Since updating the plugin in December, people have been getting rockets after rockets after rockets. The heli will shoot rockets, turn and shoot rockets without going to guns. This is the case for all tiers of heli.

Any of the options regarding rockets in the config are set to vanilla rates and apart from this, the plugin works great.



So I've tested from 1.1.12 and unfortunately all of these versions do not fire any rockets at all for my players.

My server is running Oxide.

We have 2 options. Zero rockets or rockets only. My players are very frustrated and angry with me over this, I do not know what to do.



Hi, this seems strange. I use the plugin on our servers and rockets fire properly. They have in all the versions you say you have tested. Nobody else has reported rockets not firing at all, apart from users on Carbon, which was fixed on the latest update.

Do you have any other plugins which interact with the Patrol Heli at all?



The only plugin that does is Automated Events. I have a custom amount of time set for the vanilla helicopter to spawn. Nothing else touches the actual helicopter itself though.



  01 "Admin Radar" (5.3.4) by nivex (0.53s) - AdminRadar.cs
  02 "Anticheat+" (1.1.4) by Nord (0.43s) - AnticheatPlus.cs
  03 "Arkan" (1.0.21) by Antidote (0.33s) - Arkan.cs
  04 "AutoBaseUpgrade" (1.1.9) by CASHR#6906 (0.04s) - AutoBaseUpgrade.cs
  05 "Auto Broadcast" (1.0.9) by Wulf (0.01s) - AutoBroadcast.cs
  06 "Auto Fuel" (2.1.1) by 0x89A (0.29s) - AutoFuel.cs
  07 "Automated Events" (1.0.12) by k1lly0u/mspeedie/Arainrr (1.09s) - AutomatedEvents.cs
  08 "Backpacks" (3.13.3) by WhiteThunder (0.29s) - Backpacks.cs
  09 "Battlepass" (1.37.15) by Mevent (0.37s) - Battlepass.cs
  10 "Better Chat" (5.2.14) by LaserHydra (0.00s) - BetterChat.cs
  11 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.03s) - BetterChatMute.cs
  12 "BradleyTiers" (1.2.2) by Krungh Crow (0.29s) - BradleyTiers.cs
  13 "Building Actions" (1.1.2) by Iv Misticos (0.93s) - BuildingActions.cs
  14 "Building Workbench" (1.4.0) by MJSU (1.37s) - BuildingWorkbench.cs
  15 "Buoyant Helicopters" (1.3.0) by BlackLightning (0.12s) - BuoyantHelicopters.cs
  16 "Car Lock UI" (1.0.2) by WhiteThunder (0.22s) - CarLockUI.cs
  17 "ChaosExtensionDownloader" (1.0.14) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - ChaosExtensionDownloader.cs
  18 "ChaosNPCDownloader" (3.0.13) by k1lly0u (0.00s) - ChaosNPCDownloader.cs
  19 "Chinook Drop Randomizer" (1.5.1) by shinnova/Arainrr (0.22s) - ChinookDropRandomizer.cs
  20 "Claim Vehicle" (1.6.0) by WhiteThunder (0.01s) - ClaimVehicle.cs
  21 "CombatLog Info" (1.0.8) by Pho3niX90 (0.12s) - CombatLogInfo.cs
  22 "ConnectMessages" (1.2.3) by Mroczny (0.00s) - ConnectMessages.cs
  23 "Corpse Locker" (1.0.1) by WhiteThunder (0.00s) - CorpseLocker.cs
  24 "Craft Car Chassis" (1.2.2) by WhiteThunder (0.00s) - CraftChassis.cs
  25 "CraftMenu" (1.1.31) by David (0.05s) - CraftMenu.cs
  26 "Custom Vending Setup" (2.10.2) by WhiteThunder (0.15s) - CustomVendingSetup.cs
  27 "Death Notes" (6.3.9) by LaserHydra/Mevent (0.24s) - DeathNotes.cs
  28 "Decay Logger" (1.3.0) by Gt403cyl2 (0.02s) - DecayLogger.cs
  29 "Discord Api" (0.0.2) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s) - DiscordApi.cs
  30 "Discord Call Admin" (1.0.0) by evlad (0.02s) - DiscordCallAdmin.cs
  31 "Discord Chat" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.01s) - DiscordChat.cs
  32 "Discord Core" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.02s) - DiscordCore.cs
  33 "Discord Logger" (2.0.16) by MON@H (0.02s) - DiscordLogger.cs
  34 "DiscordMessages" (2.1.8) by Slut (0.04s) - DiscordMessages.cs
  35 "Discord Status" (4.0.1) by Gonzi (1.18s) - DiscordStatus.cs
  36 "Discord Welcomer" (2.0.1) by Trey (0.03s) - DiscordWelcomer.cs
  37 "Epic Loot" (1.1.14) by imthenewguy (1.55s) - EpicLoot.cs
  38 "ESP Detection" (1.1.2) by Pho3niX90 (5.93s) - EspDetection.cs
  39 "Event Tips Remover" (1.0.4) by Razor (0.47s) - EventTipsRemover.cs
  40 "Extra Loot" (1.0.8) by Shady14u (0.26s) - ExtraLoot.cs
  41 "Fast Loot" (1.0.8) by DezLife (0.02s) - FastLoot.cs
  42 "Freeze" (3.0.3) by Wulf (3.47s) - Freeze.cs
  43 "Furnace Splitter" (2.5.2) by FastBurst (2.06s) - FurnaceSplitter.cs
  44 "Furnace Upgrades" (1.4.1) by yUN (170.31s) - FurnaceUpgrades.cs
  45 "GridAPI" (1.0.0) by Steenamaroo (0.00s) - GridAPI.cs
  46 "Hardy Planters" (1.0.2) by imthenewguy (0.12s) - HardyPlanters.cs
  47 "Heavy Rig Wave Event" (1.1.3) by NooBlet (0.57s) - HeavyRig.cs
  48 "Heli Signals" (1.2.3) by ZEODE (2.03s) - HeliSignals.cs
  49 "HelpText" (2.0.51) by Calytic (0.00s) - HelpText.cs
  50 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.05s) - ImageLibrary.cs
  51 "Inventory Viewer" (4.0.6) by Whispers88 (0.00s) - InventoryViewer.cs
  52 "Kits" (4.4.0) by k1lly0u (0.08s) - Kits.cs
  53 "Car Lift Public" (1.3.0) by ninco90 (0.88s) - LiftCars.cs
  54 "Loot Audit" (1.3.9) by Gt403cyl2 (36.74s) - LootAudit.cs
  55 "Loot Bouncer" (1.0.10) by Sorrow/Arainrr (0.13s) - LootBouncer.cs
  56 "Magic Airdrop Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.21s) - MagicAirdropPanel.cs
  57 "Magic Bradley Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.20s) - MagicBradleyPanel.cs
  58 "Magic Cargo Ship Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.20s) - MagicCargoShipPanel.cs
  59 "Magic Ch47 Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.20s) - MagicCh47Panel.cs
  60 "Magic Clock Panel" (1.0.3) by MJSU (0.09s) - MagicClockPanel.cs
  61 "Magic Fps Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.18s) - MagicFpsPanel.cs
  62 "Magic Heli Panel" (1.0.4) by MJSU (0.16s) - MagicHeliPanel.cs
  63 "Magic Hostile Panel" (1.0.10) by MJSU (0.20s) - MagicHostilePanel.cs
  64 "Magic Panel" (1.0.8) by MJSU (0.33s) - MagicPanel.cs
  65 "Magic Ping Panel" (1.0.5) by MJSU (0.05s) - MagicPingPanel.cs
  66 "Magic Radiation Info Panel" (1.0.4) by MJSU (0.00s) - MagicRadiationInfoPanel.cs
  67 "Magic Server Time Panel" (1.0.6) by MJSU (0.03s) - MagicServerTimePanel.cs
  68 "MeteorEvent" (1.3.7) by ThePitereq (5.49s) - MeteorEvent.cs
  69 "Monument Addons" (0.15.0) by WhiteThunder (0.14s) - MonumentAddons.cs
  70 "Monument Finder" (3.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.03s) - MonumentFinder.cs
  71 "Night Lantern" (2.0.99) by k1lly0u (0.86s) - NightLantern.cs
  72 "NightVision" (2.4.1) by Clearshot (0.22s) - NightVision.cs
  73 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s) - NoGiveNotices.cs
  74 "NpcMovingControl" (1.0.0) by Adem (0.15s) - NpcMovingControl.cs
  75 "NpcSpawn" (2.6.1) by KpucTaJl (0.76s) - NpcSpawn.cs
  76 "Own Casino Premium" (1.4.3) by NooBlet (27.23s) - OwnCasinoPremium.cs
  77 "PermissionsManager" (2.0.9) by Steenamaroo (0.05s) - PermissionsManager.cs
  78 "Personal Vault Door" (1.0.3) by bmgjet (1.09s) - PersonalVaultDoor.cs
  79 "PlaceAnything" (1.0.5) by David (0.01s) - PlaceAnything.cs
  80 "Placeholder API" (2.2.4) by misticos (0.04s) - PlaceholderAPI.cs
  81 "PlayerAdministration" (1.6.9) by ThibmoRozier (0.04s) - PlayerAdministration.cs
  82 "Portable Vehicles" (1.1.5) by Paulsimik (0.00s) - PortableVehicles.cs
  83 "Prod" (2.5.4) by Quapi (0.67s) - Prod.cs
  84 "Range Finder" (1.3.0) by Cannabis (0.07s) - RangeFinder.cs
  85 "ReloadAfterStartup" (1.0.2) by Krungh Crow (0.01s) - ReloadAfterStartup.cs
  86 "Remover Tool" (4.3.41) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.05s) - RemoverTool.cs
  87 "Rename" (1.1.2) by Wulf (0.03s) - Rename.cs
  88 "RoadBradleyLimiter" (1.0.0) by bmgjet (0.00s) - RoadBradleyLimiter.cs
  89 "Rocket Guidance System" (1.0.400) by MACHIN3 (0.00s) - RocketGuidanceSystem.cs
  90 "RustNET" (0.1.34) by k1lly0u (2.86s) - RustNET.cs
  91 "AutomatedSearchlights" (0.2.33) by k1lly0u (4.09s) - AutomatedSearchlights.cs
  92 "Rustcord" (3.3.2) by Kirollos & OuTSMoKE (0.90s) - Rustcord.cs
  93 "Scheduler" (1.1.1) by kasvoton (0.00s) - Scheduler.cs
  94 "Server Armour" (2.40.6) by Pho3niX90 (0.18s) - ServerArmour.cs
  95 "Skill Tree" (1.4.12) by imthenewguy (2.53s) - SkillTree.cs
  96 "SkillTreeItems" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (158.45s) - SkillTreeItems.cs
  97 "SkillTreeXPEvent" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.50s) - SkillTreeXPEvent.cs
  98 "SkinBox" (2.2.3) by k1lly0u (3.09s) - SkinBox.cs
  99 "SmoothRestarter" (3.2.0) by 2CHEVSKII (0.03s) - SmoothRestarter.cs
  100 "Sortify" (1.0.4) by 0xF [dsc.gg/0xf-plugins] (0.02s) - Sortify.cs
  101 "Stack Size Controller" (4.1.3) by AnExiledDev/optimized by WouayNote (427.90s) - StackSizeController.cs
  102 "Stash Warning System" (1.4.4) by Pho3niX90 (0.31s) - StashWarningSystem.cs
  103 "TCAuth" (1.4.5) by tofurahie#4144 (0.25s) - TCAuth.cs
  104 "Telekinesis" (3.2.1) by WhiteThunder (0.00s) - Telekinesis.cs
  105 "The Door Knocker" (1.4.3) by Cannabis (0.00s) - TheDoorKnocker.cs
  106 "UpdateChecker" (4.1.2) by tofurahie (0.03s) - UpdateChecker.cs
  107 "Upkeep Display Fix" (1.0.1) by WhiteThunder (0.21s) - UpkeepDisplayFix.cs
  108 "VIPToken" (1.1.7) by imthenewguy (161.51s) - VIPToken.cs
  109 "Vanish" (1.8.0) by Whispers88 (0.06s) - Vanish.cs
  110 "Vehicle Decay Protection" (2.5.0) by WhiteThunder (1.81s) - VehicleDecayProtection.cs
  111 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.11.0) by WhiteThunder (0.11s) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs
  112 "Vehicle Storage" (3.4.0) by WhiteThunder (0.40s) - VehicleStorage.cs
  113 "Weather" (2.1.4) by tofurahie (0.05s) - Weather.cs
  114 "XBuildingSkinMenu" (1.1.3) by Monster (0.10s) - XBuildingSkinMenu.cs




Please upload your config file



I don't mean to pester, but I'm wondering if you've been able to sanity check this and verify anything as of yet?



I haven't, I have been quite unwell with COVID and my mother has been sick in and out of hospital. This has taken a back seat for now, it will be looked at as soon as possible.



So I just loaded the plugin with your config on out test server, and it works flawlessly. Fires rockets when its supposed to, and guns in between. I don't know how else to help since I cannot reproduce what you are saying. Have you tested this yourself on your own server, or are you just going by what the players say?



Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce



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