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Garbage left after base despawn

Closed 2.7.8



We noticed that sometimes some garbage remains floating in the air or half-underground after raidable base despawn (e.g. repair desks, doors, water purifiers, furnaces, etc.). Is there anything that we can do to prevent that from happening?




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heya, no idea what causes the floating skins but they are harmless. this happens solely with the CopyPaste plugin too so there's no telling what causes it. it's client-side only and reconnecting fixes it.

no idea why you have a furnace half way into the ground. I doubt that is RB

Edited by nivex

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I'm not sure if that's client-side only, yesterday we saw items floating in the same place by multiple people at the same time so that's not just visual glitch. And we for sure know that in the same place player had purchased a raidable base, so that was a leftover from RB or a copy-paste plugin.

More than that, in some cases those deployables can't be removed using the Remover plugin, but only by using in-game explosives.

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I didn't say that floating skins wasn't from RB or CopyPaste. I said it can happen solely from CopyPaste too. if you cannot interact with the door skins then it is not an issue.

kills are sent to every entity so if you have some deployables like that furnace that aren't killed then something is blocking that kill.

also that furnace should not be spawning half way under the ground. that base was not copied properly, or the height was modified

you can send me a base with an issue and I can look at it.

Edited by nivex
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