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Crates not being locked via PVEMode

Closed 2.1.1



To preface this - I provided video proof of this ~10-12 weeks ago, and this is still plaguing my server with people stealing these crates.

"The path to the crate that appears at the place of death (empty - not used)": "***",

This crate (any crate hence the '*') that appears, does not fall under the protection of PVE mode. 
The backpack which is dropped is protected. The crate is not. 

Again, I provided JBird multiple videos of proof of this, configs, all that in a madmappers ticket. If you need to see these, please reference that as I am not sure you were ever made aware. 




Jʙɪʀᴅ — 10/03/2023 12:55 AM

Hey @snapple didn't want to leave you hanging. We created a place to organize our notes and leave links to things so we have everything in one place. We might go ahead and close this ticket out. I've already added notes with a link to this ticket there so we still have it as reference and notes from the conversation. That good with you?


snapple — 10/03/2023 12:57 AM
Yeah no worries


When I say we I am talking about @KpucTaJl myself and now @KorolOff helps with support as well. Not sure why you would insinuate that he would not be made aware when I made sure you were aware that we all were aware.

A new plugin will be released soon and then updates to existing plugins will be worked on.



It's nothing personal. I waited literal months before bringing it up again at this point because yeah, I am unsure if this was something actually worked on by the Developer or brought to his attention.


This is an incredibly annoying bug that I have dealt with quietly with and have had to deal with a ridiculous amount of drama over. I don't understand why this can't be fixed over the course of all these months.

I just wanted to try and bring it up to the developer, not just support. 



He was working on a new plugin (technically 3 but 2 that were released) and nothing that gets brought up to me is hidden from him.

This was addressed in the recent updates for PveMode and BossMonster. The notes I told you when we talked previously were used when he finished what he had to accomplish before that.

Let us know if you have any further issues with this function of the plugins.

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Hello everyone, this update was added on December 16th



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