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Error Spam causing severe server performance issue.

Closed 1.1.12 1.2.1



I have had an issue where a player called in a heli and while fighting it disapeared. The server framerate started to tank from 150+ to ~30 and I checked the server console to find an error over and over. It was printing around 10 per second, going off like a machine gun. I have around 15k lines of this:

I'm just happy I was online and caught this within 2 minutes of it happening.

After doing some monitoring, this happened a further 2 times over the weekend. The reason I think is that a player has built a tower on an island on a lake. If the heli touches the water, it disapears and causes this. Last night I didn't catch this for 20 minutes, and in this time the server FPS went from 120 to 15, and players said it was unplayable.

I've removed this plugin for safety just for now as I cannot be online 24/7.




Thought I would add this for context with how fast these messages spam the console. As we know, it takes only a brief second from running the unload command, to it stopping, and in that time we got this many haha 😞




Hi, are you using Oxide or Carbon mod framework?


Posted (edited)

Furthermore, is there any more info you can give me. It doesn't matter where your players build or take the heli from. What's odd is why it would do this. The heli hitting water and/or going under it which produced this kind of error spam was patched by Facepunch quite a few updates ago, after the issue was intorduced in one of their updates. It isn't related to my plugin and it affected Vanilla Rust servers too. I don't change any of the helicopters properties which would make it bug out on or under the water like this, so I'm unsure why you would experience this now after FP fixed their issue. When you say the Heli disappeared, do you mean just vanished, went under the water/terrain or retired and flew away?

As an aside, I would also recommend you limit your server FPS, 150 is way more than any server needs and just uses resources which can harm overall server performance. Server FPS has no bearing on what FPS players PC will render. Most of the large popular servers limit this to between 30 - 60. 60 for PVP servers and 30 for less sweaty servers without any noticeable difference to player experience.

Edited by ZEODE


Unfortunately I cannot give more info about this issue as this is all we've seen and observed, but we have been able to replicate this consistently 😞 I do use Oxide though.

The heli touches the water then literally disapears, a big poof into thin air the second a drop touches it. The audio stops, the heli is gone, and that's when these messages appear.


Posted (edited)

I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you right now, all I know is this is the error spam that was happening before Facepunch fixed the bug they made where Patrol Helicopter was going under terrain and under water. The heli was also being bugged and exploited by players who found a bug to make it hover low above water in a stationary position. But that should have been patched a few updates ago now. The error spam you have posted is the same as what was happening then.

I have one idea we could try, if you hit me up on Discord and I can send you a modified version to test and see if it resolves your issue? Join my Discord and reach out to me there so we can try and sort this for you: https://discord.gg/dBbdkCt6

Edited by ZEODE

Posted (edited)

Sorry on not getting back to you sooner, I've been doing a load of testing with the help of my players.

From testing I'm 99% sure it is to do with the speed of the heli. I've reduced all speed lower than it was but to as high as I can go, and 60 seems to be the sweet spot. Prior to this, the final boss had 2x vanilla speed - 84. 

When the speed is higher than 60, the heli can't stop in time from touching the water, then comes the error messages. When the speed is 60, then they're able to stop in time.

If you'd still like for me to test your modified version, I'd be more than happy to 🙂

Edited by ChristopherS
Making it more clear to understand.


Thanks for the info, I have made some changes and I was also able to reproduce the errors you posted so I think I have it sorted. If you reach out on Discord I will happily send you this to test, but I think it will be ready for release soon anyway.



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