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Config Options Not Working As Intended

Closed 1.1.12 1.2.1

        "Block damage to calling players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players bases": true,

I have set in your Plugin Config  "Block damage to calling players bases": false, but there is still no damage to the calling players base from the Helicopter. I use TruePVE Plugin by Nivex. 

I talked to the TruePVE Developer and they stated this "nivex — Today at 1:11 PM
I can't help you with that. his hooks must be missing some code if they're not working, or there's an issue with your bradleydrops/helisignals configs
you do not have to change your truepve config. this is not a truepve issue (edited)
How can I get your config to work properly? Currently it blocks damage to 100% of players bases, when I want it to damage the calling players base just not other players bases like I set in your config.

Thank you for any help.

I'll attach both my HeliSignals Config and TruePVE Config

Nivex also stated this "you can use the flags in truepve for general game play
[1:43 PM]
when it comes to event plugins they must use the hooks provided by truepve"

HeliSignals.json TruePVE (1).json

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So after I reloaded TruePVE and Restart server the Bradley and Heli Signals both damage my base and not other players bases. But one issue it is not registering these two flags " LockedBoxesImmortal, LockedDoorsImmortal," it is still damaging Locked Boxes and Locked Doors, why is the damage not being blocked to these entities likes stated in the config of TruePVE? Could we add the hooks needed for this from TruePVE if that is the reason?

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Hi, my plugins already use TruePVE API to take over/handle damage by Helis called by my plugin. I'm pretty sure your TruePVE config needs tweaking to get this working as you want. For example, you have


"AuthorizedDamage, AuthorizedDamageCheckPrivilege, AuthorizedDamageRequiresOwnership,

If I read the documentation for TruePVE correctly, this overrides protection and allows damage to entities you own, so although you have the immortal flags for boxes and doors, because you have those additional flags above, I assume that is allowing the damage. Helis called by my plugin sets the owner of the heli to the player who called it, I imagine this would cause the damage to those entities which you are seeing. We use TruePVE on our servers with my plugins and we have no issues.

My plugin does not distinguish between building blocks and deployable entities. It will either allow or disallow damage to all entities it hits depending on the config. So if you want to allow players to damage their own entities, but want to block their called helis from doing so, that it outside the scope of this plugin currently.

Edited by ZEODE

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I have just added a config option where you can add a list of entities which should always be blocked from damage. This will be on the next update. This should mean you can keep your existing TruePVE config while still protecting whatever entities you list (by prefab name).

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I have just added a config option where you can add a list of entities which should always be blocked from damage. This will be on the next update. This should mean you can keep your existing TruePVE config while still protecting whatever entities you list (by prefab name).

This could be really handy! Thanks so much will wait for this.

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Yeah, I did consider something like this, but I figure at some point someone else will ask for something else to be protected, so doing it my way will mean people can add whatever they want to their own list.

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