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Unloading Plugin Deletes Data Files?

Closed 1.2.0


So I used your plugin to turn off or unload the plugin Skin Controller and when I did so, somehow the data files for the plugin got deleted. This does not happen when I type "oxide.unload SkinController" in the console, so I am not sure what "extra" steps your plugin is taking, but something is happening.

This is a big deal because it deleted all the imported skins I had, but luckily I had a backup file I could use to restore them. 

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Hi there,

first of all thank you for your trust and your purchase!

The behaviour you are descriping sounds very strange, this is nothing my plugin explicitly does. The plugin iteself is just triggering the internal unload functionality which oxide provides, so technically does the same as oxide.unload in the console. The only additional thing the plugin does, is to remember the unloaded plugin.

If I understand you correctly this is only happening for Skin Controller and directly on unload via the plugin, so no server restart involved? And just to be sure, this is reproducible and not a strange "once in a lifetime" thing right?

I have no other reports like that, but i will try to search the code and see if I can get a clue, why this happens.

Best regards

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No problem! I love the plugin and have been looking for something like this for quite some time.

I only had it happen the first time I did it, so I reported it immediately. I just tried reproducing it this morning and was unable to do so. I will try again later and see if it happens again, but it may have just been a one-time thing I guess. Very odd.

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Okay, indeed very odd, but in this case I will close the support request for now.

If anything else comes up feel free to open a new one. 

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