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  1. If I understand that command correctly, it would disable EAC. Nothing I am interested to do, and is not what seems to be the issue of Carbon not working as intended from the start. Thanks for the information thought /Valentine
  2. So after countless tests, the forum was to no use. I guess this forum is pretty dead. I might have gotten it to work, carbon seems so iffy it might stop working. You need to: Install server + carbon. Start the server, and let is start completely. THEN and ONLY THEN, following these steps exactly and nothing else. connect to server and join with rust client as a player in-game: spawn on beach set ownerid in the server console (outside of game) In game: runt /cpanel in chat follow and complete the carbon setup panel. in-game: disconnect in-game: reconnnect outside of game in server console: writecfg Now admin permissions seems to work as they should. Frankly I feel it can probably stop working just about anytime it wants to. As there has been no explanation as to what causes it to "glitch out"/Not setting permissions as it should from a normal start.
  3. ** Edit Game version: Protocol 2380.236.1 Build Date: 04/18/2023 13:02:53 Unity Version 2021.3.21f1 Changeset: 81137 Branch experimental/release Server: Carbon v0.2023.2107.16, 2 mods 2plgs
  4. I have nothing that change admin/mod permissions. Only thing I currently run is AdminRadar as a plugin. Removing that and unloading or restarting the server make no difference. **EDIT** Also, I have for example, created a fresh install with nothing added. Only making myself admin with ownerid via server console. still same result.
  5. Hi, Carbon do not allow spawning of items or entities by admins or moderators. It works once, then after reconnect or server restart. nothing. Admins and moderators cannot spawn anything. With or without plugins, its the same. Is this a known problem? Edit: *** FYI: ModerationTools, active or inactive with /cmod /cadmin commands make no difference. *** / Valentine
  6. FIXED: Problem was with Carbon files, Dev Team has resolved the issue! Re-download the Carbon files, and re-install Carbon to resolve the problem OLD POST: Server is not starting and only throwing an error: BadImageFormatException: Could not resolve field token 0x04000042, due to: Could not load type of field 'Carbon.Bootstrap:_harmonyInstance' (3) due to: Could not resolve type with token 01000061 (from typeref, class/assembly HarmonyLib.Harmony, 0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) assembly:0Harmony, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null type:HarmonyLib.Harmony member:(null) signature:<none> assembly:E:\servers\Rust\rustdscarbon\carbon\managed\Carbon.Bootstrap.dll type:Bootstrap member:(null) signature:<none> at Bootstrap.Init_Tier0 () [0x000f8] in <917e1e1cd7cc440585b944bb9512ff78>:0 at Bootstrap+<Start>d__17.MoveNext () [0x0034b] in <917e1e1cd7cc440585b944bb9512ff78>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <745c4d442eef4e08b35b5975d62d89d1>:0 (Filename: <917e1e1cd7cc440585b944bb9512ff78> Line: 0) This is fresh install from steamcmd, starting the server once to load everything and then quit in server console. followed by copy/paste the Carbon files into the server directory, and trying to start the server again. Is there anything that I have done wrong? Seems strait forward, what to do to get it going. Anyone had a similar problem? Appreciate any help in the matter! / Valentine


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