Version 1.0.0
Thanks to this add-on, you can now choose and give the desired penalty option to players who procavalirately disparage the cheater or server, and you can enjoy it by making them walk around the game completely unskilled!
trollcengo.dropweapon players or groups authorized will lose the weapon they have when they spray any player/npc or animal and the assets they attack are not affected by the damage.
trollcengo.youkill authorized player or groups die themselves as soon as they kill any player/npc or animal.
The player or groups authorized by trollcengo.noraid may not damage, detonate, or raid the class on any base or object set by a different player.
trollcengo.dropweapon- authorization to use the plugin
trollcengo.youkill - authorization to use the plugin
trollcengo.noraid - authorization to use the plugin