Version 1.1.0
This plugin can help ban or kick player with bad nickname or advertisment nickname.
You can add your words list and ban reaoson to config file so this plugin can ban to player while first login to server.
Example Config File
ActionType : "RemoveWord", "Ban" or "Kick"
"Phrases": [
"Reason": "BadNickName",
"ActionType : "RemoveWord"
Action Type: RemoveWord
Player nickname auto changed for your server and seeing on chat without bad or advertisement word, example "MrMacro "changed to "Mr" and player can see just "mr" for that player,
Action Type: Ban
Player auto banned while enter server,
Action Type: Kick
Player auto Kicked while enter server,
If you find any bugs, need assistance, or have suggestions related to the plugin, you can reach out on Discord. Discord pisagor0104