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Rusty Mike86

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  1. Rusty Mike86

    Tug Boat getting stuck

    I noticed the Tug Boat was stationary for a while after it was supposed to despawn. I went to investigate and seen that it ran into a trash pile and was stuck. I entkilled the trash pile and it was able to despawn afterwards. Just wanted to know if there was anyway to prevent this? Thank you.
  2. To turn off the walls you need to edit the Profile. Go to the RaidableBases folder located in the data folder and from there go to profiles now select the profile you would like to edit. You should see the following: "Arena Walls": { "Enabled": false, "Stacks": 1, "Ignore Stack Limit When Clipping Terrain": true, "Ignore Forced Height Option": true, "Use Stone Walls": false, "Use Iced Walls": false, "Use Least Amount Of Walls": false, "Use UFO Walls": false, "Radius": 25.0 Hopefully this helps.
  3. Error while compiling Convoy: 'BaseModularVehicle' does not contain a definition for 'moduleSockets' and no accessible extension method 'moduleSockets' accepting a first argument of type 'BaseModularVehicle' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 191, Pos: 57
  4. delete not sure why it triple posted
  5. delete not sure why it triple posted
  6. delete not sure why it triple posted
  7. Can I make so they dont spawn so close together?
  8. No worries. I'm sure FacePunch would have to add something to where they don't spawn on roads. Thanks for trying.
  9. Rusty Mike86

    Portal spawned on road

    Portal spawned on road blocking the Convoys Movement.
  10. Rusty Mike86


    Yes debris falls in random locations around the map and should not land on player bases.
  11. do you know the 5 digit skin code?
  12. You may have a "," in the wrong position. Double check the screenshot I posted. Also make sure there is a , after the "Brick skin", 1), on line 233
  13. Replace line 39 with this: { BuildingGrade.Enum.Stone, new List<ulong> { 10220, 10223, 10225 } }, and add this under line 233 of your .cs file new BlockInfo( "https://community.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/economy/image/6TMcQ7eX6E0EZl2byXi7vaVKyDk_zQLX05x6eLCFM9neAckxGDf7qU2e2gu64OnAeQ7835Je5mDAfDY0jhyo8DEiv5daPKA_pb00QPC6SJcbixY/512fx512f", "Brutalist skin", 2)
  14. I am seeing this error in console. I noticed that if the tugboat event was running while we are raiding a base then pvp would not work for pvp raidable base and some of the traps would not deal damage such as flame turrets I got this error anytime I shot my teammate. When I stopped the tugboat pirates event then everything went back to normal. Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: RaidableBases - True (Boolean), TugboatPirates (False (Boolean))
  15. I am running [Info("Convoy", "Adem", "2.3.1")] Server seed: 393909623 World size: 4500 Regular convoy has the same issue. Not spawning on a road and as well as being visible. Convoy.json


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