pos - center of RT
angle - angle from monumentInfo.gameObject.transform.transform.eulerAngles.y (in degrees)
myangle - determining the coordinates of a point by angle and distance - its angle in radian (something like this - AllProfiles[name].Angle = Math.PI * angle / 180.0;)
distance - determining the coordinates of a point by angle and distance - its distance
float new_x = pos.x + Convert.ToSingle (distance f * (Math.Sin(angle + myangle )) ) + (UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle * zone.Radius).x;
float new_z = pos.z + Convert.ToSingle (distance f * (Math.Cos(angle + myangle)) ) + (UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle * zone.Radius).y;
finalPoint = new Vector3(new_x, pos.y, new_z);
math grade 8
Respectfully! the plugin is very cool, but I need a little more crumple.