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Everything posted by Vividicci

  1. Vividicci

    Random Chance

    I checked, and the reset IS set to true. Here is the config as I have it now; { "Random settings": { "GUI AnchorMin": "0.807 0.96", "GUI AnchorMax": "0.996 0.99", "GameTip display time in seconds": 20.0, "A player on the tc must be online": true, "Use random raid timer": false, "Random raid timer time": 3600, "Chance of random raid at time (1-100)": 10, "Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 1440, "The maximum amount of time a rocket will fly before exploding": 4.0, "Npc spawn damage delay": 2.0, "Display global chat message on raid start": true, "Display global map marker on raid start": true, "Display Gui to base owners": true, "Use GameTip announcement to player": true, "Taunt players with .mp3 voices": [], "Wait until all NPC are dead before sending in next wave": true, "Player must have randomraids.use inorder to get raided": false, "Use world text to show base location": false, "World text display time": 60.0 }, "All Random Raid Types": { "Random raid types": { "easy": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 1, "Total npcs per wave": 5, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": false, "Total event time in seconds": 740, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 100.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 5, "Total explosives npc can toss": 15, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [ "default" ], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] }, "medium": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 2, "Total npcs per wave": 7, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": false, "Send in Attack Copter support": false, "Total event time in seconds": 900, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 100.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 10, "Total explosives npc can toss": 20, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] }, "hard": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 3, "Total npcs per wave": 12, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": true, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 1200, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 150.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 30, "Total AirDrops on event win": 1, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] }, "expert": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 4, "Total npcs per wave": 15, "How many extra waves": 1, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": true, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 1500, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 200.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 20, "Total explosives npc can toss": 10, "Total AirDrops on event win": 2, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] }, "nightmare": { "Total auth players on tc needed": 5, "Total npcs per wave": 25, "How many extra waves": 2, "Seconds untell next wave": 120, "Npc fires Mlrs at base": true, "Send in Attack Copter support": true, "Total event time in seconds": 2100, "Npc drop loot on death": true, "Spawn health of the npc": 250.0, "Total rockets npc can fire": 30, "Total explosives npc can toss": 30, "Total AirDrops on event win": 3, "Rocket damage scale": 1.0, "Player damage scale from npc": 1.0, "Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0, "Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0, "Throw Explosive item shortnames": [ "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Spawn Attack Heli profile": [ "easy" ], "Spawn kits for the npcs": [], "Names to give the npcs": [ "Cobalt Scientist" ], "CustomLoot config profile name": [], "CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [], "Juggernaut config": [ "easy" ] } } }, "AttackCopter profiles": { "Profile Names": { "easy": { "Heli float health": 1000.0, "Total crates to drop": 2, "Heli strafe cooldown": 50.0, "Heli can strafe x times": 3 } } }, "Block Random raid in colider": { "Blocked": [ "iceberg", "ice_berg", "ice_sheet", "icesheet", "cliff", "cave" ] }, "Raidable Base plugin settings": { "Raid player on Raidable Base Completed": true, "Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": true, "Raidable Base Settings": { "0": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 5, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "1": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 5, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium" ] }, "2": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 5, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium" ] }, "3": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 5, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy", "medium", "hard" ] }, "4": { "Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 5, "Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0, "raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "hard", "expert", "nightmare" ] } } }, "Trigger by npc kills": { "Enable log kills and random raid on kills": true, "Reset npc kills on player raided.": true, "Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": true, "Npc kills settings": { "scientistnpc_heavy": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 8, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 20, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "medium" ] }, "scientistnpc_oilrig": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 10, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1640, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 8, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1640, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] }, "scientistnpc_junkpile": { "Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 8, "Delay before chance happens": 320.0, "Raid chance (1-100)": 10, "Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1640, "Random raid to send them if chance": [ "easy" ] } } }, "Juggernaut profiles": { "easy": { "Juggernaut spawns on witch Wave number/Total to spawn": { "1": 1 }, "Spawn health of the juggernaut": 250.0, "Player damage scale from the juggernaut": 1.0, "juggernaut aimConeScale": 2.0, "Names to give the juggernaut": [ "Juggernaut Raider" ], "Spawn kits for the juggernaut": [] }, "medium": { "Juggernaut spawns on witch Wave number/Total to spawn": { "1": 2 }, "Spawn health of the juggernaut": 300.0, "Player damage scale from the juggernaut": 1.0, "juggernaut aimConeScale": 2.0, "Names to give the juggernaut": [ "Juggernaut Raider" ], "Spawn kits for the juggernaut": [] } }, "Item profiles": { "easy": { "Raid call item skin": 2893480896, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 1", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": true, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 10.0 }, "medium": { "Raid call item skin": 2893480635, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 2", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": true, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2", "heli_crate" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 10.0 }, "hard": { "Raid call item skin": 2893481009, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 3", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": true, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 10.0 }, "expert": { "Raid call item skin": 2893481137, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 4", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": true, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 8.0 }, "nightmare": { "Raid call item skin": 2893482048, "Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 5", "LootContainer Spawn enabled": true, "Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [ "bradley_crate", "crate_elite" ], "LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0 } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 4, "Patch": 3 } }
  2. Vividicci

    Random Chance

    Hi! Loving your plugin! I have a player who, no matter when he logs in, kills ONE scientist and gets the random raid alert. I have it set so it's a minimum of 8 scientists with a 20% chance, but he triggers it EVERY SINGLE TIME he comes in to play... how often does it calculate? Is it within a 24-hour period, and does it stack (he DOES kill a lot of NPC when he comes in lol) Just curious, he's not mad and we're a little amused but it's concerning if another player ends up having this issue, because it's legit ONE kill and he gets the call on his base. And always the same base, too....
  3. Also experiencing this as of today... no errors showing just not despawning. There was no dome and no NPC. Also no locks.
  4. Vividicci


    When I run the permission for admin, I'm told "paintball.admin" doesn't exist... Also, on loading plugin the console is throwing errors when retrieving paintball arena and paintball2 json files from the dropbox- I downloaded the files and put them in the folder and it's not throwing errors any longer. One more thing, there is a spelling error in the config, not sure if it's going to get in the way- when it asks if you want to "Exclude players witht he IsAdmin flag from our checks?" Overall, however, I can't wait to try it! note: Permission worked when I copied from here, not sure why my fingers were flying so fast but it does work. And it looks great! Keep up the hard work!


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