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Everything posted by Doowkcol

  1. Doowkcol

    Multiple VIP levels?

    Hi Marte6, Is it possible to add more vip levels? I have tried to add to config, they get removed on c.reload. is it possible? Thanks, Doowkcol
  2. Thank You Marte Doowkcol
  3. Hi Marte, Thanks for getting back to me. The problem occurs when you insert items into Input box or insert into recycler via industrial system. If you use the recycler as a normal recycler it will return the kits. Could the input box be done away with so items just queue up in normal input clots of recycler, perhaps that will solve it? Thank you for looking into this for me. I enclose a copy of kit data from Kits.cs the level 3 enhanced armour will always drop an enhancement kit because it has loads of enhancements, handy for testing purposes. I just recycled the whole kit normally which returned 25 enhancement kits, but when i recycled the same armour set via indus system or by inserting into input no enhancement kits were spawned. Great mod by the way, its very popular on my server. Doowkcol kits_data.json
  4. Doowkcol

    ItemPerk.cs intergration

    Understood. Thank you very much for getting back to me so quickly! If I find the answer I will let you know what it is in case you are asked the question again. Have a good day doowkcol
  5. Doowkcol

    Upcoming update

    Hi Amino, A copy of my Kits data from Kits.cs for you to try with new version of Kitcontroller. The data file contains kits with enhanced items from ItemPerks.cs. I thought the file may be useful for testing purposes. Doowkcol kits_data (1).json
  6. Hi Marte6, My players have complained that the Industrial Recycler does not return enhancement kits when they recycle enhanced items from ItemPerks.cs mod. The standard recycler does correctly recycle enhanced items when spawned using your plugin. Is there a way to make this work with the indus recycler? I have also had users complain that when they have clicked "Toggle" by mistake it has destroyed the industrial piping to recycler when sockets are moved. Can a lock be introduced to prevent the connection points moving if connection exists? Thanks for the Mod, Doowkcol
  7. Doowkcol

    ItemPerk.cs intergration

    Hi Nivex, Thank you for developing this brilliant mod. On my server i am using ItemPerks.cs. I have noticed that the enhanced items do not spawn in the base loot. Config for ItemPerks hold this section in relation to where it will spawn an item on loot call. Do the loot containers in RB bases have a unique rb name? Im worried that if i just add standard large/small boxes to this list it will spawn items when players look in their own loot boxes. I know this prob more of a Itemperks issue and not an RB issue, i just thought id ask in the event you have had this question come to you before? Thanks, Doowkcol "Enhancement Settings": { "Loot settings": { "Chance for a player to receive an enhanced item when looting a container [out of 100]": { "crate_normal_2": 3.0, "crate_normal": 5.0, "crate_elite": 15.0, "crate_underwater_basic": 6.0, "crate_underwater_advanced": 12.0, "heli_crate": 50.0, "bradley_crate": 50.0, "codelockedhackablecrate": 50.0, "codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig": 50.0, "crate_tools": 1.5, "loot-barrel-1": 1.0, "loot_barrel_1": 1.0, "loot-barrel-2": 2.0, "loot_barrel_2": 2.0
  8. i did the above. The issue persists. A side note, for sales to the shop can it be an open container form that players can put items they want to sell into. The container can show sale total and reject anything that does not make up a full stack back to player inventory on sale of the items? Be better than spam clicking the sell button on the item image.
  9. Ill download and reupload it again to be sure
  10. Yeh i must be, first download of it was feb this year from this site. I bought the bundle.
  11. ive set up a high qual sale of 10 units for 100 economics. Regardless of how many stacks of the 10 i add to the basket it only charges 100. I increased the basket value to a value far greater than my balance, it still let me buy, charged 100. It is giving out the correct quantities of purchased items. The cart shows the correct amount to be billed, but when you buy it just deducts 100. ShopController.json
  12. Could the plugin be made to preserve the "Text" field that items have when reskinning and separately but the same when saving kits using Kit Controller. I use Item Perks, when i reskin an enhanced item its enhancements are lost. can it be changed so they are preserved? I wanted to also use Kit Controller but have the same issue. Ive reverted back to Kits because it does save the "Text" and allows for kits of enhanced gear to be given to the players. { "Shortname": "roadsign.jacket", "DisplayName": "Enhanced Road Sign Jacket", "Skin": 2462642640, "Amount": 1, "Condition": 500.0, "MaxCondition": 500.0, "Ammo": 0, "Ammotype": null, "Position": 1, "Frequency": -1, "BlueprintShortname": null, "Text": "[ScientistWard 0.085][Elemental 0.089][Durable 0.064][Vampiric 0.008][BeastWard 0.154][FallDamage 0.157][Smasher 0.954][Regeneration 0.13][Attractive 0.187]", "Contents": null },
  13. Doowkcol


    Xp gain enhancement? Is that possible?


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