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Everything posted by Youknowmarcus

  1. Youknowmarcus

    start event

    Does it always take awhile for airfield event to start after broadcasting? here are my settings does it have to be 900 seconds ? { "PVE mode (crates can only be looted by the player who first dealt damage to the NPC)": false, "Time after which the owner of the event will be deleted if he left the dome or left the server (for PVE mode)": 300, "Give event ownership to the owner's teammates if he is no longer the owner. Only if teammates are within the event radius (for PVE mode)": true, "Radius for event(for PVE mode)": 380, "Create a dome for PVE mode": false, "Dome transparency (the higher the value, the darker the dome, recommended 4)": 4, "Dome offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 30.0 }, "Message when a player enters the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You have entered the Airfield Event", "Message when the event owner leaves the event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "Return to the event dome, otherwise after 300 seconds you will no longer be the owner of this event", "Do not allow other players into the event(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": false, "Message when a player is ejected from the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You cannot be here, you are not the owner of this event", "Allow admin to be in event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": true, "Triggering an event by timer (disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 3900, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 900, "Minimum number of online players to trigger an event": 1, "Drops amount(number of cargo spawns after plane landing, maximum 10)": 3, "Crates amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 1, "Crate simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Remove crates after being looted by a player(in seconds)": 300, "Extend the duration of the event if the NPCs were attacked(if there is less time left, then increase to the set time(in seconds))": 600, "Crates lifetime(in seconds). The crate will not be destroyed if it has been activated": 3600, "Crates timer(in seconds)": 900, "Airdrops amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 1, "Airdrop simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 8, "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs type(NPCs prefab, experimental setting, it is not known how the NPCs will behave) 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8, "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0, "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0, "NPCs accuracy(the lower the value, the more accurate, 0 - maximum accuracy)": 2.0, "NPCs attack range": 75.0, "Radius of chasing the player(NPCs will chase the player as soon as he comes closer than the specified radius, must be no greater than the attack range)": 60.0, "Minimum distance to NPC damage": 75.0, "Message if the player attacks far away NPCs": "NPC is too far away, he doesn't take damage", "Forcibly immobilize an NPC": false, "Method of distribution of kits for NPCs(1 - sequentially, 2 - repeating, 3 - randomly)": 1, "List of kits for NPC(requires Kits plugin)": [ "kit1", "kit2", "kit3" ], "Default displayName for NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": "Airfield NPC", "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [ "Airfield NPC1", "Airfield NPC2", "Airfield NPC3" ], "Event message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Airfield event started", "Event end message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Airfield event ended", "Landing message(displayed when the cargo plane has landed)": "Cargoplane landed at Airfield", "Patrol helicopter spawn chance (0 - 100%)": 0, "Call the helicopter only after activating the hackable crate": false, "How long the helicopter will patrol the airfield (in minutes)": 5, "Helicopter damage multiplier": 1.0, "Helicopter health": 5000.0, "Helicopter main rotor health": 900.0, "Helicopter tail rotor health": 500.0, "The patrol helicopter will not patrol the airfield if it has found a target": true, "Make helicopter fly away after end of patrol time": false, "Spawns a helicopter right on the airfield(if false, then the helicopter will arrive from afar in a few seconds)": false, "Helicopter patrol range": 150, "Event marker on the map(will spawn a marker immediately after the start of the event)": false, "If true, spawn the marker only after the plane lands": false, "Event marker name": "Airfield event", "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Use a custom place to land a cargo plane": false, "Custom place position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Custom place rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Use custom navmesh (enable if using custom airfield and getting NPC navmesh error)": false, "BradleyAPC spawn chance (0 - 100%)": 50, "BradleyAPC lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "BradleyAPC bullet damage": 7.0, "BradleyAPC health": 1000.0 }
  2. Youknowmarcus


    any updates? much appreciated
  3. Youknowmarcus


  4. Youknowmarcus


    possible to get NPCs to spawn in instead of when opening doors they spawn in ?
  5. Youknowmarcus


    isssue has been fixed i believe please close ticket
  6. Youknowmarcus


    NPC kills are counting for players killed, currently using player challenges plugin for this
  7. Youknowmarcus


    turn off kills for leader boards in space event?
  8. Youknowmarcus


    when admins toggle in caves they bounce above ground when going into player mode looking for a fix also when admins log off they also appear above ground
  9. Youknowmarcus


    When Auto Turrets are placed, only a certain number in a certain radius, how does this calculate radius ? from TC or initial placement of first Turret?
  10. Youknowmarcus


  11. Youknowmarcus


    any help what this is ? Calling hook CanHelicopterTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: WipeProtection - True (Boolean), Sputnik (False (Boolean))
  12. Youknowmarcus


    no worries i reset them back to default much thanks
  13. Youknowmarcus


    Awesome and yes I may have add extra npcs for the event what is the default limit ?m , i do not use better npc here is my json { "Minimum time between events [sec.]": 6500.0, "Maximum time between events [sec.]": 8000.0, "Is active the timer on to start the event? [true/false]": true, "Duration of the event [sec.]": 3600, "Time before the starting of the event after receiving a chat message [sec.]": 300.0, "Notification time until the end of the event [sec.]": 300, "Crates settings in Cargo Container": [ { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 3, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 5, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 125, "Maximum": 125, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 2, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 4, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 125, "Maximum": 125, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm c4.prefab", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm c4.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 5, "Maximum": 125, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm ammo.prefab", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm ammo.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 5, "Maximum": 125, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } } ], "Crates settings on Cargo Ship": [ { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 4, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 5, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 125, "Maximum": 125, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 2, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 4, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 50, "Maximum": 50, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 2, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 4, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 50, "Maximum": 50, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } } ], "Locked crates settings in Cargo Container": { "Time to unlock the Crates [sec.]": 330.0, "Increase the event time if it's not enough to unlock the locked crate? [true/false]": true, "Calling a patrol helicopter when the unlock begins?": true, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 2, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 4, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 100, "Maximum": 100, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, "Locked crates settings on Cargo Ship": { "Time to unlock the Crates [sec.]": 330.0, "Increase the event time if it's not enough to unlock the locked crate? [true/false]": true, "Calling a patrol helicopter when the unlock begins?": false, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 2, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 4, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 100, "Maximum": 100, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, "NPCs settings in Small Harbor": [ { "Minimum": 8, "Maximum": 8, "List of locations": [ "(-19.329, 28.419, 87.115)", "(-43.801, 28.372, 3.077)", "(63.992, 28.372, -12.193)", "(100.617, 28.419, 115.251)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Soldier", "Health": 250.0, "Roam Range": 0.0, "Chase Range": 0.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 5.0, "Sense Range": 100.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 10.0, "Scale damage": 2.0, "Aim Cone Scale": 0.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 0.0, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": true, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2563940111 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2563935722 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2575506021 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2570233552 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2582714399 }, { "ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2570227850 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2570237224 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.small.scope" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.f1", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "" }, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 8, "Maximum": 33, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 4, "List of locations": [ "(53.501, 28.372, 36.665)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Sniper", "Health": 250.0, "Roam Range": 0.0, "Chase Range": 0.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0, "Sense Range": 150.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 0.5, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 0.0, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": true, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hat.boonie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1275532550 }, { "ShortName": "mask.bandana", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1623665052 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1113475533 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1275521888 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1277403128 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.l96", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 897867582, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.8x.scope" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "" }, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 60, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Minimum": 8, "Maximum": 8, "List of locations": [ "(29.882, 4.325, 32.478)", "(49.629, 4.325, 27.236)", "(-30.202, 4.25, 102.732)", "(85.564, 4.138, 110.003)", "(-52.878, 4.25, 19.443)", "(72.046, 4.25, 20.064)", "(20.473, 4.25, 107.782)", "(-3.444, 1.25, 87.991)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Porter", "Health": 250.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.5, "Sense Range": 70.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 120.0, "Scale damage": 1.7, "Aim Cone Scale": 0.6, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": true, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1819497052 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "hat.beenie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "movembermoustache", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1819498178 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.f1", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "" }, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 60, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } } ], "NPCs settings in Large Harbor": [ { "Minimum": 9, "Maximum": 10, "List of locations": [ "(118.098, 28.122, -99.779)", "(122.412, 28.122, 42.108)", "(47.479, 28.122, 31.648)", "(33.447, 28.122, -104.953)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Soldier", "Health": 250.0, "Roam Range": 0.0, "Chase Range": 0.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 5.0, "Sense Range": 100.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 10.0, "Scale damage": 1.5, "Aim Cone Scale": 0.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 0.0, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": true, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2563940111 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2563935722 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2575506021 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2570233552 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2582714399 }, { "ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2570227850 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2570237224 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.small.scope" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.f1", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "" }, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 60, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 4, "List of locations": [ "(46.434, 28.122, -30.754)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Sniper", "Health": 250.0, "Roam Range": 0.0, "Chase Range": 0.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0, "Sense Range": 150.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 0.5, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 0.0, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": true, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hat.boonie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1275532550 }, { "ShortName": "mask.bandana", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1623665052 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1113475533 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1275521888 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1277403128 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.l96", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 897867582, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.8x.scope" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "" }, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 60, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, { "Minimum": 8, "Maximum": 10, "List of locations": [ "(105.21, 3.889, 25.266)", "(101.475, 3.933, -71.055)", "(91.687, 4, -40.688)", "(107.994, 3.872, -2.054)", "(105.175, 3.888, -23.856)", "(13.714, 4, -5.558)", "(37.923, 4, 68.334)", "(32.177, 4, -73.32)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Porter", "Health": 250.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.5, "Sense Range": 70.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 120.0, "Scale damage": 1.7, "Aim Cone Scale": 0.6, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": true, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1819497052 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "hat.beenie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "movembermoustache", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1819498178 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.f1", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "" }, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 60, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } } ], "Mobile NPCs settings on Cargo Ship": { "Name": "Scientist", "Health": 300.0, "Roam Range": 30.0, "Chase Range": 60.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0, "Sense Range": 50.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 1.15, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.3, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hat.cap", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2891590451 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2882740093 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2882737241 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 826587881 }, { "ShortName": "sunglasses", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.f1", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 60, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, "Stationary NPCs settings inside Cargo Ship": { "Name": "Scientist", "Health": 300.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 100.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0, "Sense Range": 50.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 1.15, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.3, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hat.cap", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2408787588 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2408786118 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 826587881 }, { "ShortName": "sunglasses", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 60, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, "Stationary NPCs settings outside Cargo Ship": { "Name": "Scientist", "Health": 250.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 100.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 1.0, "Sense Range": 50.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 30.0, "Scale damage": 1.15, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.3, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Remove a corpse after death? (it is recommended to use the true value to improve performance) [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hazmatsuit_scientist", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight", "weapon.mod.holosight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 5, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "grenade.f1", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ], "Kit (it is recommended to use the previous 2 settings to improve performance)": "", "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 5, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_oilrig.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 15, "Maximum": 60, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 36.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, "Marker configuration on the map": { "Use map marker? [true/false]": true, "Type (0 - simple, 1 - advanced)": 1, "Background radius (if the marker type is 0)": 0.37967, "Background transparency": 0.35, "Color": { "r": 0.81, "g": 0.25, "b": 0.15 }, "Text": "HarborEvent" }, "Main marker settings for key event points shown on players screen": { "Enabled? [true/false]": true, "Text": "◈", "Size": 45, "Color": "#CCFF00" }, "Additional marker settings for key event points shown on players screen": { "Enabled? [true/false]": true, "Text": "◆", "Size": 25, "Color": "#FFC700" }, "GUI setting": { "Do you use the countdown GUI? [true/false]": true, "OffsetMin Y": "-56" }, "Chat setting": { "Do you use the chat? [true/false]": true, "Prefix of chat messages": "[HarborEvent]" }, "Facepunch Game Tips setting": { "Use Facepunch Game Tips (notification bar above hotbar)? [true/false]": false, "Style (0 - Blue Normal, 1 - Red Normal, 2 - Blue Long, 3 - Blue Short, 4 - Server Event)": 2 }, "GUI Announcements setting": { "Do you use the GUI Announcements? [true/false]": false, "Banner color": "Orange", "Text color": "White", "Adjust Vertical Position": 0.03 }, "Notify setting": { "Do you use the Notify? [true/false]": false, "Type": 0 }, "The distance from the event to the player for global alerts (0 - no limit)": 0.0, "Discord setting (only for users DiscordMessages plugin)": { "Do you use the Discord? [true/false]": false, "Webhook URL": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Embed Color (DECIMAL)": 13516583, "Keys of required messages": [ "PreStart", "Start", "PreFinish", "Finish", "KillBradley", "OpenDoor" ] }, "Radius of the event zone": 200.0, "Do you create a PVP zone in the event area? (only for users TruePVE plugin) [true/false]": false, "PVE Mode Setting (only for users PveMode plugin)": { "Use the PVE mode of the plugin? [true/false]": false, "The amount of damage that the player has to do to become the Event Owner": 500.0, "Damage Multipliers for calculate to become the Event Owner": { "Npc": 1.0, "Bradley": 2.0, "Helicopter": 2.0 }, "Can the non-owner of the event loot the crates? [true/false]": true, "Can the non-owner of the event hack locked crates? [true/false]": true, "Can the non-owner of the event loot NPC corpses? [true/false]": true, "Can the non-owner of the event deal damage to the NPC? [true/false]": true, "Can the non-owner of the event do damage to Bradley? [true/false]": true, "Can the non-owner of the event do damage to Patrol Helicopter? [true/false]": true, "Can an Npc attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": true, "Can Bradley attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": true, "Can Patrol Helicopter attack a non-owner of the event? [true/false]": true, "Allow the non-owner of the event to enter the event zone? [true/false]": true, "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone? [true/false]": true, "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone [sec.]": 0, "The time until the end of Event Owner status when it is necessary to warn the player [sec.]": 60, "Prevent the actions of the RestoreUponDeath plugin in the event zone? [true/false]": true, "The time that the player can`t become the Event Owner, after the end of the event and the player was its owner [sec.]": 86400.0, "Darkening the dome (0 - disables the dome)": 0 }, "Interrupt the teleport in harbor? (only for users NTeleportation plugin) [true/false]": true, "Disable NPCs from the BetterNpc plugin on the monument while the event is on? [true/false]": true, "Economy setting (total values will be added up and rewarded at the end of the event)": { "Which economy plugins do you want to use? (Economics, Server Rewards, IQEconomic)": [ "Server Rewards" ], "The minimum value that a player must collect to get points for the economy": 2.0, "Looting of crates": { "crate_elite": 0.4, "crate_normal": 0.2, "crate_normal_2": 0.1, "dm c4": 0.4, "dm ammo": 0.3 }, "Destruction of Bradley": 0.8, "Killing an NPC": 0.3, "Hacking a locked crate": 0.5, "Pressing the button": 0.4, "List of commands that are executed in the console at the end of the event ({steamid} - the player who collected the highest number of points)": [] }, "List of commands banned in the event zone": [ "/remove", "remove.toggle" ], "Bradley setting": { "Can Bradley appear? [true/false]": true, "Health": 1500.0, "The viewing distance": 100.0, "Radius of search": 100.0, "Scale damage": 1.0, "The multiplier of Machine-gun aim cone": 1.1, "The multiplier of Machine-gun fire rate": 1.0, "Amount of Machine-gun burst shots": 10, "Time that Bradley holds in memory the position of its last target [sec.]": 20.0, "The time between shots of the main gun [sec.]": 10.0, "The time between shots of the main gun in a fire rate [sec.]": 0.25, "Numbers of Crates": 4, "Which loot table should the plugin use? (0 - default; 1 - own; 2 - AlphaLoot; 3 - CustomLoot; 4 - loot table of the Rust objects; 5 - combine the 1 and 4 methods)": 0, "Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of prefabs": 3, "Maximum numbers of prefabs": 5, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of prefabs": [ { "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "The path to the prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradley_crate.prefab" } ] }, "Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5)": { "Minimum numbers of items": 1, "Maximum numbers of items": 1, "Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false]": true, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Minimum": 75, "Maximum": 75, "Chance [0.0-100.0]": 100.0, "Is this a blueprint? [true/false]": false, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Name (empty - default)": "" } ] } }, "Helicopter setting": { "Health": 15000.0, "Health Main Rotor": 750.0, "Health Tail Rotor": 375.0, "Numbers of Crates": 6, "Time between firing rockets": 0.2, "Time between turret shots": 0.125, "Time between turret bursts": 3.0, "Duration of the burst turret": 3.0, "Turret firing radius": 300.0, "Should a helicopter spawn in the corner of the map? [true/false]": true }, "The CCTV camera": "Harbor", "Can an event appear in a Small Harbor? [true/false]": true, "Can an event appear in a Large Harbor? [true/false]": true, "Configuration version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 3, "Patch": 1 } }
  14. Youknowmarcus

    add more crates ?

    Awesome thanks everyone is loving the plug in !
  15. Youknowmarcus

    add more crates ?

    how to add more crates ?
  16. Youknowmarcus

    choclate bars

    choclate bars not given when purchasing
  17. Youknowmarcus


    random npcs are spawning under the map and killing players, i was able to kill them and fix it but it happened twice now
  18. i fixed this issue by reloading the plug in after it coninued i think the reset time was conflicting with each other seems to be fixed now
  19. I for some reason didn’t have auto wipe enabled… now enabled… how to reset as if fresh now ?
  20. daily rewareds didnt reset after wipe ? fix
  21. removed ui code in plug in thanks
  22. Youknowmarcus

    players stuck on days

    Players on my server that login every day have been stuck on days, for example i have 3 players that are currently stuck on day 2 but have all logged everyday for the past week.
  23. on my server i want to allow only the upgrade feature, i see in the perms you can not allow the repair function but how do i hide it from showing in the tc,
  24. Youknowmarcus


    Fixed issue plugin was conflicted with Admin Panel Fix was setting Admin panel with a hide bind once set with a bind Admin panel UI had hidden when switching from Admin to Player mode
  25. Youknowmarcus


    when switching to player mode it blocks the commands however is there a way for it to hide the small uis that appear on the right side ? For other admins is disappears but wont disappear for me. only turned GUis off if i leave the server and come back but will remain when toggling


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