they said they spawned the blacklisted items before i added them but they are using the command some how
"Ignore: Disabled 0, Admin 2, Developer 3": 2,
"Set F1 1000 button spawn amount": 10,
"Set F1 100 button spawn amount": 10,
"Ban Categories: Weapon 0, Construction 1, Items 2, Resources 3, Attire 4, Tool 5, Medical 6, Food 7, Ammunition 8, Traps 9, Misc 10, Component 11, Electrical 12, Fun 13": [
"Ban Items using: ShortNames (Easy to Read)": [
"Green Roman Candle",
"Red Volcano Firework",
"Violet Roman Candle",
"Ban Items using: ItemIDs (Slightly Faster)": [