Awesome plugin, it looks like has everything i need, but its not working, i want this configs
15 cooldown after a player leaves the server (100% damage)
after 15 cooldown, till 30 hours, 100% protection
after 30 hours, 100% damage again
But now its not working, can you help me?
"Raid Protection Options": {
"Scale of damage depending on the current hour of the real day": {},
"Scale of damage depending on the offline time in hours": {
"1": 0.0,
"30": 1.0
"Cooldown in minutes": 15,
"Scale of damage between the cooldown and the first configured time": 0.0,
"Protect all prefabs": true,
"Protect vehicles": true,
"Prefabs to protect": [
"Prefabs blacklist": []
"Team Options": {
"Enable team offline protection sharing": true,
"Mitigate damage by the team-mate who was offline the longest": false,
"Include players that are whitelisted on Codelocks": false,
"Prevent players from leaving or disbanding their team if at least one team member is offline": false,
"Enable offline raid protection penalty for leaving or disbanding a team": false,
"Penalty duration in hours": 24.0
"Command Options": {
"Commands to check offline protection status": [
"Command to display offline raid protection information": "raidprot",
"Command to fill the offline times of all players": "orp.fill.onlinetimes",
"Command to change a player's offline time": "orp.test.offline",
"Command to change a player's offline time to the current time": "orp.test.online",
"Command to change a player's penalty duration": "orp.test.penalty"
"Permission Options": {
"Permission required to enable offline protection": "offlineraidprotection.protect",
"Permission required to check offline protection status": "offlineraidprotection.check",
"Permission required to use admin functions": "offlineraidprotection.admin"
"Other Options": {
"Play sound when damage is mitigated": false,
"Asset path of the sound to be played": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.denied.prefab",
"Display a game tip message when a prefab is protected": true,
"Message duration in seconds": 3.0
"Timezone Options": {
"Timezone": ""
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 1,
"Patch": 2