i have recently bought your Plugin and i am figuring a Cash System out on my Server.
But i have run into some problems with it:
1. The ATMS can be damaged by Players. Could you make them invincible ?
2. Players could interact with the Vending System as it is a vending machine and could Change Shop name or even place in Items if not placed properly.
3. Could you add a possibility to manually give them a fixed Spawnpoint at monuments that i can save. So i do not have to place them manually every wipe.
4. Is there a possibility to let players transfer money between their bank accounts ?
5. Is there a possibility to give the ATM a special Symbol on the map hence draw a little circle with a customizable color at its position ?
6. is there a possibility to let players check their bankaccount with a comman ?
7. Where do i find the Special ATM Skin u used in your videos ? The small ATM.
8. Is it possible to add another Bankaccount for people to transfer money too ? For example for events like who is the richest Player of the wipe/week/month ?
9. Is there a possibility to make an Admin UI where i can see the balances of all players to detect exploits if someone has an odd balance ?
Thanky ou for your answers!