now i checked and could see there was no other reference to that in the code so i removed that line and tried again andd here is the result
c.load OwnCasinoPremium
Unloaded plugin OwnCasinoPremium v1.4.0 by NooBlet
Error while unpatching hook 'OnBigWheelWin' (IL Compile Error)
at MethodInfo HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper(MethodBase original, PatchInfo patchInfo)
at PatchProcessor HarmonyLib.PatchProcessor.Unpatch(MethodInfo patch)
at void HarmonyLib.Harmony.Unpatch(MethodBase original, MethodInfo patch)
at void HarmonyLib.Harmony.UnpatchAll(string harmonyID)+(Patch patchInfo) => { }
at void HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do<Patch>(IEnumerable<Patch> sequence, Action<Patch> action)
at void HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.DoIf<Patch>(IEnumerable<Patch> sequence, Func<Patch, bool> condition, Action<Patch> action)
at void HarmonyLib.Harmony.UnpatchAll(string harmonyID)
at bool Carbon.Hooks.HookEx.RemovePatch()
Inner exception:
System.FormatException: Method System.Void BigWheelGame::Payout() cannot be patched. Reason: Invalid IL code in (wrapper dynamic-method) BigWheelGame:BigWheelGame.Payout_Patch0 (BigWheelGame): IL_0122: ldloc.s 5
at void HarmonyLib.Memory.DetourMethodAndPersist(MethodBase original, MethodBase replacement)
at MethodInfo HarmonyLib.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper(MethodBase original, PatchInfo patchInfo)
A general error occured while uninstalling 'OnBigWheelWin[f10414]'
A hook request for 'OnBigWheelWin[f10414]' received:
- The current status is FAILURE: IL Compile Error
- Check for possible errors on the log file
Loaded plugin OwnCasinoPremium v1.4.0 by NooBlet [374ms]
A hook request for 'OnBigWheelWin[f10414]' received:
- The current status is FAILURE: IL Compile Error
- Check for possible errors on the log file