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Everything posted by Nikedemos
Hi there! Sadly, it's not currently possible to do it automatically because of the portals. Portals are specially marked, and when a portal is destroyed, a whole entire dimension is destroyed. When a whole base is copied to a JSON file (using CopyPaste), it also copies the portal entity. However, you can still manually /copy the entire dimension into a JSON file at the end of your wipe. Then, you need to edit that JSON file to remove the entire entry for the serialized entity containing the portal, the prefab path is: "assets/prefabs/missions/portal/bunker_door_portal.prefab". Save the json file and you can then paste it back on the ground so that it can be re-converted into a new pocket dimension based on the old one. It is crucial that the CopyPaste files do not contain the bunker portal entity, or else the results might be unexpected. You can paste those manually edited copy-paste files during your current wipe, or the next wipe. Unfortunately, Pocket Dimensions cannot do that automatically, because it has no ability to edit CopyPaste files, only tell CopyPaste to... well, copy and paste, and CopyPaste plugin handles everything. Hope that helps!
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
Hi there! This is indeed very weird an unexpected behaviour. Please message me on Discord so we could test a few possible solutions in real time. I'm on the Codefling discord or you can join mine at https://discord.nikhub.dev
Changed Status from Fixed to Closed
Changed Status from Fixed to Closed
Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.25
Fixed! Please download 1.0.25!
Changed Status from Pending to Fixed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.25
Last time we spoke on Discord was about a year ago and as I recall, I did try my best to help with the Pocket Dimensions codelock issue, but ultimately we couldn't find the solution, despite several attempts. I don't think we ever spoke about Grid Power. My time has been very limited last year due to IRL circumstances and seeing as you had to wait this long, I feel we should get some issues sorted. Shall I DM you? I don't check Codefling that often but I check Discord at least a couple of times per week
HI there! I'm really sorry for missing your ticket for so many months. I had a lot of tickets regarding PD and somehow I must've missed yours. I do not check platform-specific tickets very often - as opposed to Discord, which I recommend to guarantee a much more timely response on my part. As far as your suggestion goes, it's possible to limit deployment of boxes per-player, but not really per-group, as permissions for Pocket Dimensions are binary (either true or false, either someone has the permission or not) as they're based on Carbon/Oxide permission system. Perms can be granted to groups or players, but they cannot have numerical forms, sadly. If you have any other suggestions or want to discuss this further, hit me up on my Discord (https://discord.nikhub.dev), or the Codefling Discord
Hi there, already responded to your other ticket, let's add this to the list of issues to discuss over Discord!
Hi there! Sorry for the delay in my response. Had quite a few PD tickets (including the very same issue you're describing) and I must've missed your ticket somehow. Is the issue still happening? And have you eliminated any possibility that this might be a plugin conflict of some kind? In any case, hit me up on Discord and let's get this sorted. That's always the best way to get my attention and a much more real-time response, as I don't utilise platform-specific tickets too often. I can see you're already in my Discord, so just hit me up directly through DM or #create-a-ticket there!
Hi there! Sorry I'm only responding now to your ticket. Had a lot of tickets for PD recently about unrelated things/requests and I missed yours somehow. When you say "get trapped", do you mean the player being unable to move? Trapped where? Are the issues still present? In any case, hit me up on Discord, that's always the best way to guarantee a much prompt response. You can reach me at either the Codefling discord or you can join mine at https://discord.nikhub.dev
Hi there! This could be due to several issues, like 32-bit floating point precision limits (because behind the scenes, Grid Power must divide a large number by a tiny number, and because of how the exponent and mantissas in 32-bit floating point values are expressed and interpreted). I do have an idea on how to solve it, since this has been bugging me (literally!) for a long time. Basically the solution would be to store the number of seconds remaining as an integer inside of Grid Power data files - or even better, inside the Grid Power fusebox entity itself - for the current/last fuse inserted, and then instead of the fuse being damaged by tiny, tiny floating point value, this integer would be decremented by 1 each second, and the fuse would assume its new health based on dividing the remaining seconds by max seconds. First though, I'd definitely try and determine if that's indeed the floating point issues you're currently running into, or is it a newly surface bug with Grid Power itself. Hit me up on Discord (I'm on the Codefling discord or you can join mine at https://discord.nikhub.dev) and let's see what can be done, much easier to discuss things in a bit more of a real-time manner.
Hi there! Sorry I missed your ticket @Papi Rusty, no idea how it slipped past my attention. And thanks for the reminder @SLATE. By "cannot deploy ladders on anything", do you mean, like, anything? Normal base walls, rocks in the wilderness, cliffs etc? Or do you just mean the power line poles specific to Grid Power? Do you still have this issue? Does it also happen with all the other plugins unloaded, so that you're sure it's not a plugin conflict? Are you running a procedural map, or a custom one? In any case, hit me up on Discord, that's always the best way to handle this issue, cause I'd like to test a few things with you.
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
HI there! If you mean foundation ramps, Water Bases do not utilise ACTUAL foundation building blocks (just flat floors). Correct me if I'm wrong, but foundation ramps can only be placed from a foundation, or another foundation ramp. Normally you can't do that in Rust clients. it theoretically WOULD be possible to to basically re-create whatever UberTool does to let admins place whatever blocks wherever they want, but this looks like a completely separate plugin, because of the amount of work needed to pull it off. And there's gameplay issues with this approach as well, because each water base would have to have all the building block stabilities set to fixed 100%, and this would open doors to abuse by players who'd be able to build way higher and way wider than normal. If we didn't set the block stabilities to 100%, then each restart would cause the ramps to crumble (as they wouldn't have any stability entity that holds it down). I know all this because I already tried placing a different building block next to water foundations some time ago, and the results were less than stellar. As far as keeping waterborne vehicles inside Water Bases garages, the usual approach with boats/rhibs/submarines is to have a garage door on the water surface that leads to the garage interior. But I'm guessing you'd like to park them on the car lift, so that it decays slower? If you'd like to discuss this or similar ideas further, hit me up on Discord (https://discord.nikhub.dev or the Codefling discord, I'm there as well)!
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
not usable beyond 1 foundation placement
Nikedemos replied to PhatBlinkie's Support Request in Support
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 1.0.19 -
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
Try 1.0.15. Obviously FP still needs to fix this, but it's better than before!
Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
Hi there! At the moment it's confirmed that this happens because of a bug in Rust's noclip antihack. FP are currently investigating the issue. I will be posting a hotfix patch to address it soon until the real solution comes around. Thanks for your patience!
Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed