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Everything posted by RustV

  1. RustV

    Turret Fury

    Understood, perhaps try on their Discord also if they are a little inactive. Unfortunately in this case it's something that needs editing within the HeavyCargoShipEvent .cs
  2. RustV

    Turret Fury

    @SlayersRust DM the owner of HeavyCargoShipEvent, their plugin should be returning 'true', also. Should be a minor fix.
  3. RustV

    Turret Fury

    @Dave This is odd - shows the correct version when downloading on this side. Have just re-uploaded on the back end to be sure - can you re-check and let me know if your issue is now resolved or still persisting?
  4. RustV

    Turret Fury

    @TTK None have been identified to date.
  5. RustV

    Turret Fury

    @Dave Good idea. Added it to the suggestion list - if we get more requests for the same/similar thing i'll add it to dev roadmap.
  6. RustV

    Turret Fury

    @corndiggitydog Interesting, i have added it to the suggestion list - if we get more requests for the same/similar thing i'll add it to roadmap.
  7. RustV

    config settings

    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.1.0
  8. RustV

    config settings

    The latest update has a large number of bigfixes from the rust update and optimisations broadly. Several of which should prevent issues raised above. I will close this thread out as it has drifted from its initial query and another can be opened for additional support.
  9. RustV

    Turret Fury

    We've just released an update with a broad number of Rust update optimizations & bugfixes. One of which addresses an infinite ammo exploit. Download the latest update (and enjoy!)
  10. RustV

    Turret Fury

    It doesn't make sense that turret range would affect any other functions, unless there is something else modded in your custom server. First, try verify your server oxide version / steam update. Otherwise need to github share your files and I can have a look at it. You can share the link privalety in the support request you opened.
  11. RustV

    config settings

    Hi, Lets finish troubleshooting this in the Discussion area seeing as all the chats are there already. I'll leave this support request open for the moment but unless you want to migrate comms back in here I may close it out in future, purely to avoid comms loss because I have so many parallel dev chats open in discord/codefling/lone/steam etc that double ups can sometimes get buried in notifications.
  12. RustV

    config settings

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  13. RustV

    Turret Fury

    Hmm, it shouldn’t need it unless another plugin/script is has caused a temporary Boolean error (a persistent one won’t disappear from rcon) but oxide.reload should fix. The other thing I would recommend is check the entity that owns (/places) the turret has the correct permission (TurretFury.use). I’ve just tested it in a fresh server with no other plugins and the infinite ammo function works with other config setting as default.
  14. RustV

    Turret Fury

    On a typical PVE type server with npcs, a turret range of approx 100 is a generally accepted range (to avoid excessive turret range harassing distant players etc). Regarding your issue with SAMs not targeting Heli: this plugin does not affect this one way or the other, aside from the standard SAM settings. I recommend ‘Heli SAMs’ on umod to achieve this.
  15. RustV

    config settings

    Hi @Bubles Buternuts We can't replicate the issue you have mentioned. Can you confirm if you are using any other plugins that affect Turret settings?
  16. RustV

    Turret Fury

    @Bubles Buternuts We can't replicate the issue you have mentioned. Can you confirm if you are using any other plugins that affect Turret settings?
  17. RustV

    Turret Fury

    @BippyMiester Turret Fury requires the turretfury.use permission for the TurretFury configutaion to apply. So in this case it will not modify copypaste base turrets unless the copy paste base turrets were placed by someone who has the turretfury.use permission.
  18. RustV

    Turret Fury

    Powerless turrets (umod) appears to work without issues. Regardless of config settings (we have tried various). Would recommend removing the Harmony Full range auto-turrets files from your server directory and executing a server restart: which should rule out the issue - so long as you have no other plugins or modifications that also change turret behaviour. it is curious however that you aren’t seeing anything unusual in RCON.
  19. RustV

    Turret Fury

    @TomHud I can’t replicate this issue on my end. Can you DM the .dll file that modifies turrets to 360 degrees. Are the scientists being spawned manually or from a plugin (ie.BotReSpawn)? Are you running any other Turret altering mods ? Is your RCON giving you any turret/targeting errors or Booleans? In your last screenshot, what killed the 5-6 dead scientists?
  20. RustV

    Turret Fury

    Hi @TomHud, Unfortunately the UMOD version no longer works. Many of the functions have broken down over various Rust updates. and it appears to have been abandoned. We were waiting a long time for an update from the developer of TurretConfig, however our community and server admins (particularly on our PVE servers) needed a working version. So we created Turret Fury from scratch, keeping the core features that the community know and love but simplifying the code somewhat to make it less likely to fall over in future. If it does we will patchfix immediately. We have a roadmap for further functions to be added in future updates. We're all about our community so if there's anything you would like to see included in future updates: please comment below. Best regards, RustV
  21. RustV

    Turret Fury

    Version 2.2.0


    FEATURES Turret Fury is a configurable plugin that allows total customization of Auto Turrets, Flame Turrets, Landmines, SAM Sites, Shotgun Traps & Tesla Coils through allowing configuration of; • Damage • Range • Accuracy • Bullet Speed • Trigger Duration • Arc • Explosion Radius • Scan/Sensing Radius • Amount of Pellets (Shotgun Traps) & More!* *See the config below for full list of configurables INSTALL To install, simply copy & paste the plugin (TurretFury.cs) as-is into your server plugins folder: ..\oxide\plugins\ CONFIG To configure; 1. Ensure you have loaded the plugin successfully in your server (this will automatically create a respective config file) 2. Open the plugin config file (TurretFury.json) in your config folder: ..\oxide\config\ 3. Adjust to the desired values 4. Save the config file & reload the plugin (“oxide.reload TurretFury”) (config preview below) { "Auto Turret": { "Enabled": true, "Infinite Ammo": false, "Health (Default 1000)": 1000.0, "Range (Default 30)": 30.0, "Bullet Speed (Default 200)": 200.0, "Aim Cone (Default 4)": 4.0, "Damage Scale (Default 1.0)": 1.0, "Ignored Shortnames": [ "sentry.scientist.static", "sentry.bandit.static" ] }, "Flame Turret": { "Enabled": true, "Fuel Per Sec (Default 0.5)": 0.5, "Health (Default 300)": 300.0, "Range (Default 4)": 4.0, "Arc (Default 45)": 45.0, "Trigger Duration (Default 4)": 4.0, "Damage Scale (Default 1.0)": 1.0, "Ignored Shortnames": [] }, "Landmine": { "Enabled": true, "Health (Default 100)": 100.0, "Min Explosion Radius (Default 2)": 2.0, "Max Explosion Radius (Default 3)": 3.0, "Damage Scale (Default 1.0)": 1.0, "Ignored Shortnames": [] }, "SAM Site": { "Enabled": true, "Requires Power": true, "Health (Default 1000)": 1000.0, "Damage Scale (Default 1.0)": 1.0, "Missile Scan Radius (Default 225)": 225.0, "Vehicle Scan Radius (Default 150)": 150.0, "Ignored Shortnames": [] }, "Shotgun Trap": { "Enabled": true, "Infinite Ammo": false, "Health (Default 300)": 300.0, "Sensor Radius (Default 1.25)": 1.25, "Aim Cone (Default 40)": 40.0, "Pellets (Default 20)": 20.0, "Damage Scale (Default 1.0)": 1.0, "Ignored Shortnames": [] }, "Tesla Coil": { "Enabled": true, "Requires Power": true, "Health (Default 250)": 250.0, "Range (Default 3)": 3.0, "Max Damage Output (Default 35)": 35.0, "Max Discharge Self Damage Seconds (Default 120)": 120.0, "Damage Scale (Default 1.0)": 1.0, "Ignored Shortnames": [] } } PERMISSIONS turretfury.use -- Required for TurretFury configuration to apply to player’s auto turrets FAQ Q: Does the Turret Fury plugin work with any Turret weapon? A: Yes, this plugin works with all Turret deployable weapons, from the revolver to the AK and everything in between. Q: How do I know what range to configure? A: This is completely up to you. A typical range configuration that our community of server admins have been using is 70.0, with some PVE servers increasing to around 100.0 Q: Will increasing Turret range and damage affect the static turrets at monuments? A: By default, this plugin does not affect/apply to any monument turrets (Bandit Camp / Compound / Fishing Village) to avoid nuisance deaths. Note the "Ignore Turret Shortnames" section of the config file addresses this. It is strongly recommended not to adjust this. Q: Does/can the plugin use permissions? A: Yes, we have implemented a number of additional features on the back of community feedback, one of these is a basic permissions system wherein users require the below permission in order to have their autoturrets use TurretFury's configuration; turretfury.use For more information, see https://umod.org/documentation/plugins/permissions/ or (https://codefling.com/plugins/permissions-manager/) Q: Will there be more features added in future? A: Yes, we have more functional improvements and additions coming soon, as well as a roadmap of ideas for future updates. If you have ideas or anything you would like to see included: please share them in the Discussion tab - they will be considered and, with enough upvotes, added to the dev roadmap. Happy turreting, and stay frosty. Discord: Dooogs#2145


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