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Everything posted by Alex573

  1. Is there a way in the store I can have water bottles available for purchase that come full? Currently the water bottle just comes as the bottle without any water
  2. Alex573

    Supply Signal issue

    Turns out it was Magic Loot. had 2x loot on but had set hacked crates to be half so that they would be 1x Apparently, that was also halving an supply drop so it was thinking it was not a full supply drop grenade...... All sorted now. Thanks for your time! We are loving the plugin
  3. Alex573

    Supply Signal issue

    Okay ill have to go through plugins and confirm which one is affecting this. Thanks for checking
  4. Alex573

    Supply Signal issue

    The issue is only with supply drop grenades which spawn inside of the hackable crate dropped by the cargo plane crash. This issue does NOT happen if a supply drop grenade is obtained from a standard hackable crate spawned in or spawned by other events Do you have Discord? Might be a lot easier explaining over voice if it doesnt making sense
  5. Alex573

    Supply Signal issue

    I am uploading the clips here now for you In this following clip you can see the supply signal grenade issue only happening with ones that have been obtained from a cargo plane crash. Shows X Supply signal 0 when you pick it up as if you have not picked up a supply signal https://streamable.com/9xt16r https://we.tl/t-FIN2YZo0Qt Below you can see what happens with a normal supply signal. When picked up it shows +1 Supply signal. I have tested spawned in ones and ones obtained from other events and they allow it to be called in. https://streamable.com/czcbue https://we.tl/t-1HymDKCjrg In this video the initial supply drop grenade in my inventory is the one obtained from the Cargo plane crash event I have included the streamable source and also uploaded the video files to wetransfer
  6. Alex573

    Supply Signal issue

    I have sent you a message with the videos recorded to show what is happening
  7. Alex573

    Supply Signal issue

    With number "Airdrops amount(spawn after crash)" set to 0 there appears to be an issue. When one of the locked crates spawns with a supply signal inside of it, take the supply signal out and it does not allow it to be called in. Drop it on the ground and pick it up it shows X Supply signal 0 If you spawn a normal supply signal in or loot a supply signal from any other event/crates. drop that on the ground and pick that up it shows + Supply signal 1 It is almost as if the "Airdrops amount(spawn after crash)": 0, define makes any supply signal within the locked crates spawn as if it is not a supply signal


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