I have a specific usecase that is not supported with the current options/switches of your plugin. Maybe with a new option i could make it work.
I propose an option to cleanup/remove TC zones when the plugin is unloaded.
Context: This is a pve/pvp mix server
24/7 pvp at t2+ monuments, cargo, tugboats, heli, etc
raid is allowed during a timeframe each day, outside the timeframe = no raid
Vanilla AgileZones is creating the heli, tugboat, cargo, etc zones - but no TC Zones.
I am then using a second copy of AgileZones which i renamed to AgileZones_TC. The config has only TC Zones enabled, nothing else.
My idea was to load this second instance (AgileZones_TC) at the beginning of raid time and unload it at the end.
The loading part works, it will create TC zones for TC's that have been placed while the plugin was not active. The unloading part does not accomplish my goal because it does not remove the TC zones from ZoneManager.
Any ideas how i can best get to where i would like to go?