Yessir here it is:
"Difficulty (0 = easy, 1 = medium, 2 = hard, 3 = expert, 4 = nightmare)": 0,
"Advanced Protection Radius": {
"Buyable Events": 50.0,
"Maintained Events": 50.0,
"Manual Events": 50.0,
"Scheduled Events": 50.0
"Advanced Setup Settings": {
"Amount Of Entities To Spawn Per Batch": 5,
"Amount Of Entities To Despawn Per Batch": 10,
"Height Adjustment Applied To This Paste": 0.0,
"Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": -1.0,
"Foundations Immune To Damage When Forced Height Is Applied": false,
"Recalculate Spawn Position Before Paste": false,
"Teleport Entities Underworld Before Despawning": false
"Elevators": {
"UI Enabled": true,
"Anchor Min": "0.406 0.915",
"Anchor Max": "0.59 0.949",
"Panel Color": "#000000",
"Panel Alpha": 0.0,
"Required Access Level": 0,
"Required Access Level Grants Permanent Use": false,
"Required Keycard Skin ID": 2690554489,
"Requires Building Permission": false,
"Button Health": 1000.0,
"Elevator Health": 600.0
"Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up": [
"Additional Bases For This Difficulty": {
"raideasy1": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy2": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy3": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy4": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy5": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy13": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy14": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy15": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy16": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"raideasy17": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"Paste Options": [
"Option": "autoheight",
"Value": "false"
"Option": "height",
"Value": "1.0"
"Arena Walls": {
"Enabled": false,
"Extra Stacks": 0,
"Use Stone Walls": false,
"Use Iced Walls": false,
"Use Least Amount Of Walls": false,
"Use UFO Walls": false,
"Radius": 25.0
"NPC Levels": {
"Level 2 - Final Death": false
"NPCs": {
"Weapon Accuracy (0 - 100)": {
"AK47": 35.0,
"Bolt Rifle": 35.0,
"Compound Bow": 35.0,
"Crossbow": 35.0,
"Double Barrel Shotgun": 35.0,
"Eoka": 35.0,
"L96": 35.0,
"LR300": 35.0,
"M249": 35.0,
"M39": 35.0,
"M92": 35.0,
"MP5": 35.0,
"Nailgun": 35.0,
"Pump Shotgun": 35.0,
"Python": 35.0,
"Revolver": 35.0,
"Semi Auto Pistol": 35.0,
"Semi Auto Rifle": 35.0,
"Spas12": 35.0,
"Speargun": 35.0,
"SMG": 35.0,
"Snowball Gun": 35.0,
"Thompson": 35.0,
"Waterpipe Shotgun": 35.0
"Damage Multipliers": {
"Explosive Damage Multiplier": 1.0,
"Gun Damage Multiplier": 1.0,
"Melee Damage Multiplier": 1.0
"Spawn Inside Bases": {
"Spawn On Floors": true,
"Spawn On Beds": false,
"Spawn On Rugs": false,
"Spawn On Rugs With Skin Only": 1,
"Bed Health Multiplier": 1.0,
"Rug Health Multiplier": 1.0,
"Spawn Murderers Outside": true,
"Spawn Scientists Outside": true,
"Minimum Inside (-1 = ignore)": 1,
"Maximum Inside (-1 = ignore)": 2
"Murderer (Items)": {
"Helm": [
"Torso": [
"Pants": [
"Gloves": [
"Boots": [
"Shirt": [
"Kilts": [
"Weapon": [
"Scientist (Items)": {
"Helm": [],
"Torso": [
"Pants": [],
"Gloves": [],
"Boots": [],
"Shirt": [],
"Kilts": [],
"Weapon": [
"Murderer Kits": [
"Scientist Kits": [
"Murderer Items Dropped On Death": [
"shortname": "ammo.pistol",
"name": null,
"amount": 30,
"skin": 0,
"amountMin": 6,
"probability": 1.0,
"stacksize": -1
"Scientist Items Dropped On Death": [
"shortname": "ammo.rifle",
"name": null,
"amount": 30,
"skin": 0,
"amountMin": 6,
"probability": 1.0,
"stacksize": -1
"Spawn Alternate Default Scientist Loot": {
"Prefab ID List": [
"Enabled": false
"Random Names": [],
"Enabled": true,
"Amount That Can Throw Weapons": 2,
"Amount Of Murderers To Spawn": 0,
"Minimum Amount Of Murderers To Spawn": 0,
"Spawn Random Amount Of Murderers": false,
"Amount Of Scientists To Spawn": 2,
"Minimum Amount Of Scientists To Spawn": 2,
"Spawn Random Amount Of Scientists": false,
"Allow Npcs To Roofcamp": true,
"Allow Npcs To Counter Raid": true,
"Allow Npcs To Leave Dome When Attacking": false,
"Allow Npcs To Shoot Players Outside Of The Dome": true,
"Allow Npcs To Play Catch When Equipped With Explosives": false,
"Aggression Range": 70.0,
"Block Damage Outside To Npcs When Not Allowed To Leave Dome": false,
"Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Npcs Inside": false,
"Despawn Inventory On Death": true,
"Health For Murderers (100 min, 5000 max)": 150.0,
"Health For Scientists (100 min, 5000 max)": 150.0,
"Kill Underwater Npcs": true,
"Kits Are Unique When Applicable": false,
"Player Traps And Turrets Ignore Npcs": false,
"Use Dangerous Treasures NPCs": false
"Rewards": {
"Custom Currency": {
"Enabled": false,
"Item Shortname": "scrap",
"Item Name": null,
"Amount": 0,
"Skin": 0
"Economics Money": 0.0,
"ServerRewards Points": 0,
"SkillTree XP": 0.0,
"Do Not Reward Buyable Events": false
"Change Building Material Tier To": {
"Wooden": false,
"Stone": false,
"Metal": false,
"HQM": false
"Change Door Type To": {
"Wooden": false,
"Metal": false,
"HQM": false,
"Include Garage Doors": false
"Auto Turrets": {
"Aim Cone": 5.0,
"Minimum Damage Modifier": 1.0,
"Maximum Damage Modifier": 1.0,
"Start Health": 1000.0,
"Sight Range": 30.0,
"Double Sight Range When Shot": false,
"Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode)": true,
"Requires Power Source": false,
"Remove Equipped Weapon": false,
"Random Weapons To Equip When Unequipped": [
"Player Building Restrictions": {
"Wooden": false,
"Stone": false,
"Metal": false,
"HQM": false
"Water Settings": {
"Allow Bases To Float Above Water": false,
"Chance For Underwater Bases To Spawn (0-100) (BETA - WORK IN PROGRESS)": 0.0,
"Prevent Bases From Floating Above Water By Also Checking Surrounding Area": false,
"Maximum Water Depth Level Used For Float Above Water Option": 1.0
"Spawns Database": {
"Spawns Database File (Optional)": "none",
"Ignore Safe Checks": false,
"Ignore Safe Checks In X Radius Only": 0.0,
"Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations": false,
"Kill Sleeping Bags": true
"Profile Enabled": true,
"Maximum Elevation Level": 2.5,
"Allow Players To Use MLRS": true,
"Add Code Lock To Unlocked Or KeyLocked Doors": true,
"Add Code Lock To Tool Cupboards": true,
"Add Code Lock To Boxes": true,
"Add Code Lock To Lockers": true,
"Close Open Doors With No Door Controller Installed": true,
"Allow Duplicate Items": false,
"Allow Players To Pickup Deployables": false,
"Allow Players To Deploy A Cupboard": false,
"Allow Players To Deploy Barricades": true,
"Allow PVP": true,
"Allow Friendly Fire (Teams)": true,
"Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 0,
"Amount Of Items To Spawn": 30,
"Flame Turret Health": 300.0,
"Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss": true,
"Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Players Inside": false,
"Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Bases Inside": false,
"Block Damage Inside From Npcs To Players Outside": false,
"Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage": false,
"Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage (Twig Only)": false,
"Boxes Are Invulnerable": false,
"Spawn Silently (No Notifcation, No Dome, No Map Marker)": false,
"Divide Loot Into All Containers": true,
"Drop Tool Cupboard Loot After Raid Is Completed": false,
"Drop Container Loot X Seconds After It Is Looted": 60.0,
"Drop Container Loot Applies Only To Boxes And Cupboards": true,
"Create Dome Around Event Using Spheres (0 = disabled, recommended = 5)": 5,
"Enable CopyPaste Stability Option (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK - POTENTIAL SERVER CRASH)": false,
"Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot": true,
"Eject Corpses From Enemy Raids (Advanced Users Only)": true,
"Eject Corpses From PVE Instantly (Advanced Users Only)": false,
"Eject Enemies From Purchased PVE Raids": true,
"Eject Enemies From Purchased PVP Raids": false,
"Eject Enemies From Locked PVE Raids": true,
"Eject Enemies From Locked PVP Raids": false,
"Explosion Damage Modifier (0-999)": 100.0,
"Force All Boxes To Have Same Skin": true,
"Ignore Containers That Spawn With Loot Already": false,
"Loot Amount Multiplier": 1.0,
"Loot Amount Multiplier (": 1.0,
"Loot Amount Multiplier (": 1.0,
"Maximum Respawn Npc X Seconds After Death": 0.0,
"Minimum Respawn Npc X Seconds After Death": 0.0,
"No Item Input For Boxes And TC": true,
"Penalize Players On Death In PVE (ZLevels)": false,
"Penalize Players On Death In PVP (ZLevels)": false,
"Require Cupboard Access To Loot": false,
"Require Cupboard Access To Place Ladders": false,
"Skip Treasure Loot And Use Loot In Base Only": false,
"Force Time In Dome To (requires raidablebases.time)": -1,
"Always Spawn Base Loot Table": true