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Everything posted by Jaehaerys

  1. A fortune wheel in the style of a casino from the game has been added, an authorized user can scroll once a day, all prizes can be configured, each prize must be specified: -> Title -> Picture -> Description -> Command to be executed in the game -> Chance to drop -> Category (categories in this case equal the colors on the wheel). There is also a button that will show all possible prizes. -> Added support for localization of meta tags (SEO)
  2. -> Added multilanguage. Edited through 2 files, en.json/ru.json. -> Added banlist, works through its own plugin (tempban/permban/unblock). Displays: - Avatar | Nickname of the banned player. - Avatar | Administrator nickname, console supported. - Ban time | Unban time, multilanguage supported. -> Live chat has been moved to the map section. ->Cargosheep animation has been added to the map. -> Added support for Raidable bases to the map, in principle, any of your marks can be displayed on the map without problems.
  3. -> Added support for multiple servers in leaderboards. -> Added the ability to specify a discount for an item when creating / editing it, after which the discount will be shown on the product card. -> Added the ability to specify a discount for the user personally. -> Added a tab with a description of the servers, it has tabs (for commands, staff, mods, and description) and a slider with pictures of a specific server. -> A system of rewards has been added, they are created through the admin panel, when creating, the minimum amount of total account replenishment is indicated, after which the user will be able to take any reward created by the admin once a week.
  4. Added Discord bot for purchasing items via discord, functionality: demo video: https://youtu.be/gl05VErYfK8 Binding is carried out in your personal account on the site, when you try to use the bot without binding, you will be prompted to bind: When using the slash command, you will be prompted to substitute all existing categories that are taken from the site database After that, it will display all items from this category with a price, description, and a picture, which are also taken from the database. When you click on the buy button, a modal window will open where you need to specify the number of goods: If there is not enough balance, it will offer to replenish. Also, when buying, it will notify the administrator in telegram.
  5. -> Added alerts about suspicious user activity, site validation is available both on the client and on the server, and if the site notices that these data do not match when buying an item / transferring an item to the game, then the site will send a notification to the administrator in the telegram specified in the site settings . ->All items that were specified as 'Privileges' during creation will be displayed in a special section where you can customize their description, as well as indicate the number of days for which it will be purchased. From 7 to 30 days, in increments of 1 day. -> When creating an item, you can now specify its z-index. the higher - the higher the item will be displayed in the store to the user. -> Added dropdown menu for easy site navigation. At the same time, I am making an addon for buying items through the discord, the user only needs to link the discord on the site.
  6. -> Added the ability to create polls, in the admin panel you can create a poll, as well as answer options for it, after which authorized users who have been in the game at least once will be able to vote, after voting they will be shown the results, before voting / without authorization, the results will not be shown. -> Everything except for the admin panel has been redesigned for TailwindCSS, and several themes have been added, white / dark, and pink (you can specify the theme according to the standard for the first visit, and after choosing a theme, the site remembers the choice and is attached to the user's browser). -> Purchase of items, map, promotional codes have been transferred to my API, i.e. the your site now sends some data to me on the api server, and then my interacts with the your site (calculates balance, cart items, etc.). Now each site is tied to the first launch VPS IP and a special key, and when you try to use the functionality of the purchase, promotional codes, live cards (in the future and authorization) outside the VPS, my API simply will not process your requests. Those who want to see a demo site can throw me their steamid and give me a link.
  7. Added a map of the server with game events (ship, helicopter.crates), players' vendings, you can also view the contents of the shops by clicking. Works without add-ons from the server side. Works with any types of maps, even custom ones. UPD added search by items, as well as the ability to hide stores:
  8. Added the ability to edit a number of pages through the control panel - Rules / Staff / About the server / FAQ, through the html editor, over time, all pages available to the user will be available for editing in the panel. Added promo code system, available fields: -> Name. -> The number of promo codes, after they are completed, it will be deleted and unavailable. -> The amount that will be credited upon execution. -> Number of uses per user. -> The number of hours since the first authorization on the site, after which the user will not be able to activate it. To create promotional codes exclusively for beginners. Implemented a cart in the game for transfer purchased item, with checks for free space in the inventory. Also I do demo website. Contact me if you interested in.
  9. -> Added a library of items with absolutely all the items in the game to add items to the store. -> Added the ability to list commands for execution separated by commas, all are executed (initially only 1 was possible). -> Changed shop.
  10. Added system group and permissions. Added live chat related to the game. A number of rights have been created that you can grant / remove to groups through the admin panel. Full list of rights at this point in the post: 'buy access', 'shop access', 'live chat', 'web access', 'profile access', 'profile webcart', 'deposit access', 'promo access', 'dashboard stats', 'dashboard userinv', 'dashboard shop', 'dashboard console', 'dashboard console send', 'dashboard news', 'dashboard users', 'dashboard faq', 'dashboard rules', 'dashboard staff', 'dashboard promos', 'dashboard settings', 'dashboard roles', There are also 4 groups user | Moderator | admin | Owner The latter is issued at the first launch of the site to the administrator, has all rights, is not edited through the admin panel. When you try to remove the rights from the group, a modal window will pop up, asking you to confirm. The group also has checks for the presence of a role, a toast will pop up indicating that the selected right already exists.
  11. Added a console with real-time data display via websockets, later I will add a chat with the ability to write after authorization on the site
  12. preRelease ------------- The admin panel has been updated, charts have been added, the ability to connect Discord/Telegram bots for news statistics. Added 'spinner' to show page loading. Shows the number of purchases in the last week The number of items sold per week. The amount of money received per week. There is also a graph showing which payment method most often tops up the balance. The leaderboard has been updated, showing the place of the authorized user in the top. Avatars have also been added. Added admin alerts when buying an item on the site, in the future there will be alerts for authorizations, replenishments, and everything that you use. video
  13. Thank you! Unfortunately I don't have much time right now to finish the sale version, it will soon be possible to buy the site from the screenshots below, also it includes an API to make an in-game shopping cart.
  14. An example of a store, also added toasts after successful authorization with a user greeting, there are categories, there is a search inside them. Maintenance mode, disables access for all users to the site, except for administrators.
  15. Made an API for interacting with the site's shopping cart(For those who want to receive items from the site directly in the game), features: -> Display all items in the cart. /shop/items -> Display all items of a certain user, taking into account his steamid. /shop/useitems/{steamid} -> Delete an item by its ID. /shop/deletitetem/{id} -> Change quantity of item in cart by ID. /shop/changecount/{id}/{count} -> Add item to cart. /shop/additem/{steamid}/{gameid}/{count} In the admin panel, you can specify the IP address, with access to the implementation of the request to the API, and you can also specify the access key that will be addressed in the url to receive a request, without a request that will not be processed by the server. If the key was not correct on request, it will return a 403 error. If the item is not found when deleting, it will return a 404 error. Some screenshots:
  16. The content of the site will be edited through the admin panel, no configs, everything is as simple and easy as possible, the admin panel is issued for steam, and after authorization, the admin account will have access to the admin panel. Edited: staff list, navbar, news with html editor, help section. Main page Team News page Admin panel, staff card edit mob-menu
  17. An example of a leaderboard, the site will display a list of server players in different categories, by clicking on a player you can see detailed statistics. example:
  18. in the near future, the landing version with authorization steam/discord, banlist, statistics will appear on this marketplace. the price will be $50. I managed to solve problems with paypal) Develop stack: Laravel 9 Vue.js / React.js PHP 8.2
  19. The owner of one large server in the CIS with about 300 players online.
  20. Soon there will be 1 more product with similar functionality, but a completely different design, the same as in the game itself, an example of a finished, main page, selling as before, either in 1 hand, or 5 copies will be sold. will be: shop/cases/admin panel/leaderboard/promo-codes/auth though steam and etc..
  21. The project was sold in 1 hand for a large amount, development and sales stop.
  22. Added combat log, displays: killed, his killer, weapon from which he was killed, distance, date. Detailed statistics have been added to the user profile, namely: -> List of recent deaths (shows the cause of death, date, and square on the map). -> List of last crafted items (will display the item, date, quantity). -> List of extracted resources (displays all available resources in the game and reports the number of extracted by the player). -> List of last killed animals (displays the animal, the weapon it was killed with, and the date). *implemented for the buyer of this CMS, depending on sqlstats.
  23. News section added -> The ability to create news using the visual HTML editor has been added, the administrator can change: News title, content, Photo, news description, first, third and fourth will be displayed on the news preview on the main page -> Also added a counter of views of each news, as well as the date of creation. -> There is a search by the name of the news. -> You can also change the photo on the background of the news. The front-end was 95% taken from the off-site RUST Facepunch, the back-end, unlike the off-site, was implemented with SSR technology, all without page reloads (they have a search, opening posts, changing categories with a reload). By the release I will change the front-end to something of my own, but so far so.


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