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  1. Nord


    Will do. I have a big update planned soon with a website, metrics & more. Along with some small machine learning to assist too
  2. Nord


    This is possible, something ive looked into but it would eat up performance.
  3. Nord


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  4. Nord


    Hey, Anticheat+ has never had any "there is no spawning and control of small stashes", you may this mistaken but in regards to the ping. Simply disable it in settings to stop lag-switch detection. If that option doesn't show, download the latest please!
  5. Nord


    Would be best to confirm manually but multiple in-air shots, very likely.
  6. Nord


    Shoot-in air detection is very solid. If the plugin detects the player hitting players (or scientists based off config) whilst not touching the ground it will flag the player. Lag switch is still very much is beta & could false flag players with unreliable connections or simply have a high ping - In short it takes the last 5-10 pings & finds patterns. I'm still working on a machine-learning server side to process this data without doing it on the plugin-side to increase performance!
  7. Nord


    Yes, there seems to be an abundant of false flags when users are surfacing in water (at the max level, working on a solid work-around but right now expect them.)
  8. Nord


    Awesome, thats my bad. I was meant to push an update this weekend with major changes to plugin including automatic admin detection, keep an eye out for that.
  9. Nord


    Hey, have you granted 'anticheatplus.bypass' permission to that user / users group?
  10. Nord


    It will not, it only triggers if it hits a valid player. If this is something you would like to be added, join the support discord and drop a suggestion as im very active there!
  11. Nord


    Added now, thank you for your feedback!
  12. Nord


    Version 1.1.5


    Anticheat+ offers another layer of stronger defense against cheaters & exploiters. Core Features: - Flyhack+ - Lag switch Detection - Smart throttling (to prevent server lag.) - Flag-Shots (flag instances of shots that exceed a defined threshold) - Anti-Jumpshot - Kick-On-Flag (kicks the player when flagged, not recommended for large servers) - In-game Admin Alerts with /recentflag to teleport to the player instantly. Complete logging limited to; - Discord Webhooks Permissions: - anticheatplus.bypass (it is recommended to give this to players who get false flags & admins!) - anticheatplus.admin (for /recentflag & /togglenotifications) 24/7 Support & Questions: https://discord.gg/U3HJkmC6zx Customization (config file): { "Debug Mode (will cause console spam.)": false, "Anticheat Throttling (will disable some anticheat features if server fps has fell below 13 FPS.)": false, "Anticheat+ Update Time (default: 5 seconds": 5.0, "Kick When Flagged": false, "Flag Admins": false, "Alert In-Game Admins (with anticheatplus.admin permission)": true, "Enable AntiLagSwitch (beta)": true, "Enable Flyhack+ (beta)": true, "Flyhack+ Threshold (in meters, default is 7)": 7.0, "Flyhack+ Threshold Time (time the user is exceeding the height threshold defined above. default is 10 seconds)": 10.0, "Enable Max Shooting Distance Check": true, "Ignore Scientist (Max Distance Shots)": true, "Max Shooting Distance (default fallback if no weapon is found upon attacking a player)": 285.0, "Enable Shooting Height Check": true, "Max Shooting Height": 3.0, "Enable Discord Integration": false, "Discord Webhook URL": "Example - https://discord.com/api/webhooks/", "Discord Webhook Cooldown (default: 30 seconds) - this is to simply prevent spam, set to '1' to disable.": 30.0, "Discord Username": "Anticheat+", "Embed Color": 16711680, "Embed Title": "Anticheat Alert", "Embed Footer": "Anticheat System", "Flyhack Kick Reason": "Anticheat+ Violation [Flyhack]", "Shoot in Air Kick Reason": "Anticheat+ Violation [Shooting-in-air]", "Shoot Max Distance Kick Reason": "Anticheat+ Violation [Max-Shot-Distance]", "Max Shooting Distance Per Weapon": { "rifle.ak": { "Item1": 300.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/rifle.ak.png" }, "rifle.ak.diver": { "Item1": 300.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/rifle.ak.png" }, "rifle.ak.ice": { "Item1": 300.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/rifle.ak.png" }, "lmg.m249": { "Item1": 300.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/lmg.m249.png" }, "hmlmg": { "Item1": 300.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/hmlmg.png" }, "rifle.lr300": { "Item1": 300.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/rifle.lr300.png" }, "rifle.bolt": { "Item1": 350.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/rifle.bolt.png" }, "rifle.l96": { "Item1": 400.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/rifle.l96.png" }, "rifle.semiauto": { "Item1": 200.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/rifle.semiauto.png" }, "pistol.python": { "Item1": 100.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/pistol.python.png" }, "pistol.semi": { "Item1": 100.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/pistol.semiauto.png" }, "smg.mp5": { "Item1": 150.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/smg.mp5.png" }, "smg.2": { "Item1": 120.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/smg.2.png" }, "shotgun.pump": { "Item1": 40.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/shotgun.pump.png" }, "shotgun.spas12": { "Item1": 30.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/shotgun.spas12.png" }, "crossbow": { "Item1": 75.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/crossbow.png" }, "bow.compound": { "Item1": 100.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/bow.compound.png" }, "bow.hunting": { "Item1": 60.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/bow.hunting.png" }, "shotgun.double": { "Item1": 40.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/shotgun.double.png" }, "pistol.eoka": { "Item1": 10.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/pistol.eoka.png" }, "flamethrower": { "Item1": 10.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/flamethrower.png" }, "rifle.m249": { "Item1": 300.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/lmg.m249.png" }, "rifle.m39": { "Item1": 250.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/rifle.m39.png" }, "pistol.m92": { "Item1": 100.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/pistol.m92.png" }, "smg.thompson": { "Item1": 150.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/pistol.m92.png" }, "shotgun.waterpipe": { "Item1": 20.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/shotgun.waterpipe.png" }, "shotgun.m4": { "Item1": 275.0, "Item2": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/shotgun.m4.png" } } }


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