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  1. h4tchery


    Hi, I’d like to report an issue with OnResearchCostDetermine; the hook appears to have changed and no longer injects the ResearchTable object (only the Item itself), leading to an NRE, rendering the Research_Refund buff unusable. The item’s GetEntityOwner() method should allow you to reference the ResearchTable.
  2. h4tchery


    Hi, there is a compatibility issue with Backpacks. When a player opens the ingredient bag while they are looting their backpack, the ingredient bag’s loot panel uses the backpack’s capacity. No items were lost or otherwise affected. As a dirty hotfix, I added a delay to opening the ingredient bag when the player was looting anything. Regards
  3. Hi! I also got that CS1061 error mentioned above (Type `Oxide.Plugins.HumanNPC' does not contain a definition for `Brain'). To fix and add compatibility with HumanNPC plugin, simply change all appearances of "HumanNPC" to "global::HumanNPC".
  4. h4tchery


    I found an issue with ingredient bags. Players were able to upgrade them into Halloween Bags. I did some testing and found out that the action string (in OnItemAction) is now "upgrade_item" instead of just "upgrade".
  5. h4tchery


    Hi! I have encountered an issue with BuffType17. When consuming multiple BuffType17 meals (each requiring a timer), the "RecipeEnded" hook provides only the data for the first consumed meal, not the actual meal for which the hook was called. Call history: RecipeConsumed(BasePlayer player = h4tchery, string itemName = Rum, string baseItemShortname = fish.cooked, ulong itemSkinId = 2667117430, int duration = 5) RecipeConsumed(BasePlayer player = h4tchery, string itemName = Met, string baseItemShortname = fish.cooked, ulong itemSkinId = 2784052514, int duration = 2) RecipeEnded(BasePlayer player = h4tchery, string itemName = Rum, string baseItemShortname = fish.cooked, ulong itemSkinId = 2667117430) RecipeEnded(BasePlayer player = h4tchery, string itemName = Rum, string baseItemShortname = fish.cooked, ulong itemSkinId = 2667117430) One of the "RecipeEnded" calls should have provided the data for "Met".


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