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  1. thanks! will change those settings and try it out!
  2. Sorry if I'm being dumb but the documentation for the Biplane plugin is, shall we say, sparse. I'm trying to get the stormtrooper model to shoot missiles or the bomber model to drop bombs - but can't figure it out. Here's what I did: Enabled the seller_default to sell the biplane_stormtrooper and the biplane_bomber. Granted the permissions biplane.stormtrooper.use and biplane.bomber.use to the default group. Bought both the stormtrooper and the bomber from the seller. Put rockets and hv rockets in the 3 position storage box at the rear of the biplane. Took off and flew around. Clicked left and right mouse button - got nothing - no rockets, no bombs dropped. What am I doing wrong? Permissions: 07/03 21:26:31 | >>> oxide.show perm biplane.stormtrooper.use 07/03 21:26:31 | Permission 'biplane.stormtrooper.use' Players: No players with this permission Permission 'biplane.stormtrooper.use' Groups: default, admin 07/03 21:27:19 | Permission 'biplane.bomber.use' Players: No players with this permission Permission 'biplane.bomber.use' Groups: default, admin Contents of oxide/config/Biplane.json { "Plugin version": "1.0.8", "Prefix in chat": "[Biplane]", "Permission to give items": "biplane.items", "Deployed SamSite will be attacked by biplanes [true/false]": true, "SamSite on the monument will attack biplanes [true/false]": true, "Increase the speed of missiles and the attack radius of SamSite by biplane? [true/false]": false, "Allow you to pick up a biplane with a hammer [true/false]": true, "Invert the X-axis? [true/false]": false, "Invert the Y-axis? [true/false]": true, "Spawn Setting": { "Minimum respawn time": 7200.0, "Maximum respawn time": 10800.0, "Settings for Monuments": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/airfield_1.prefab": { "Enable the spawn of the biplane at this monument": true, "Preset probability": { "biplane_airfield": 100.0 }, "Spawn points": [ { "Position": "(126.9, 0.3, -44.1)", "Rotation": "-90" }, { "Position": "(-94.7, 0.3, -10.9)", "Rotation": "90" } ], "Add a seller to a monument? [true/false]": true, "Seller's preset": "seller_default", "The seller's location on the monument": { "Position": "(34.6, 0.3, 22.6)", "Rotation": "90" }, "The place of the plane's spawn after purchase": { "Position": "(50.5, 0.3, 15.0)", "Rotation": "180" } } }, "Setting up the spawn of biplanes in custom spawn points": { "Enable the spawn of the biplane on custom spawn points": false, "Preset probability": { "biplane_airfield": 100.0 }, "Spawn points": [] } }, "List of biplanes": { "biplane_default": { "Custom item shortname for placement": "biplaneitem_default", "Permission to purchase/use": "", "Force": 10000.0, "Maximum speed": 35.0, "Maximum height": 300.0, "Control Settings": { "Turning speed multiplier [MOUSE]": 1.0, "Turning speed multiplier [A/D]": 1.0 }, "The amount of fuel in the tank during spawn": 100, "Add components to the engine? [true/false]": true, "Engine component level (1 - 3)": 2, "Number of slots in the box": 3, "Time between rockets/bombs": 1.0, "Allow bombing [true/false]": false, "Add rocket launchers [true/false]": false, "Infinite rockets [true/false]": false, "Infinite bombs [true/false]": false }, "biplane_airfield": { "Custom item shortname for placement": "biplaneitem_airfield", "Permission to purchase/use": "", "Force": 10000.0, "Maximum speed": 35.0, "Maximum height": 300.0, "Control Settings": { "Turning speed multiplier [MOUSE]": 1.0, "Turning speed multiplier [A/D]": 1.0 }, "The amount of fuel in the tank during spawn": 0, "Add components to the engine? [true/false]": false, "Engine component level (1 - 3)": 2, "Number of slots in the box": 3, "Time between rockets/bombs": 1.0, "Allow bombing [true/false]": false, "Add rocket launchers [true/false]": false, "Infinite rockets [true/false]": false, "Infinite bombs [true/false]": false }, "biplane_bomber": { "Custom item shortname for placement": "biplaneitem_bomber", "Permission to purchase/use": "biplane.bomber.use", "Force": 10000.0, "Maximum speed": 35.0, "Maximum height": 300.0, "Control Settings": { "Turning speed multiplier [MOUSE]": 1.0, "Turning speed multiplier [A/D]": 1.0 }, "The amount of fuel in the tank during spawn": 100, "Add components to the engine? [true/false]": true, "Engine component level (1 - 3)": 2, "Number of slots in the box": 3, "Time between rockets/bombs": 1.0, "Allow bombing [true/false]": true, "Add rocket launchers [true/false]": false, "Infinite rockets [true/false]": false, "Infinite bombs [true/false]": false }, "biplane_stormtrooper": { "Custom item shortname for placement": "biplaneitem_stormtrooper", "Permission to purchase/use": "biplane.stormtrooper.use", "Force": 10000.0, "Maximum speed": 35.0, "Maximum height": 300.0, "Control Settings": { "Turning speed multiplier [MOUSE]": 1.0, "Turning speed multiplier [A/D]": 1.0 }, "The amount of fuel in the tank during spawn": 100, "Add components to the engine? [true/false]": true, "Engine component level (1 - 3)": 2, "Number of slots in the box": 3, "Time between rockets/bombs": 1.0, "Allow bombing [true/false]": true, "Add rocket launchers [true/false]": false, "Infinite rockets [true/false]": false, "Infinite bombs [true/false]": false } }, "List of items": { "biplaneitem_default": { "Name": "Biplane", "Shortname": "box.wooden.large", "Skin": 2767743723 }, "biplaneitem_airfield": { "Name": "Biplane Airfield", "Shortname": "box.wooden.large", "Skin": 2776561072 }, "biplaneitem_bomber": { "Name": "Bomber", "Shortname": "box.wooden.large", "Skin": 2776561506 }, "biplaneitem_stormtrooper": { "Name": "Stormtrooper", "Shortname": "box.wooden.large", "Skin": 2776561787 } }, "List of sellers": { "seller_default": [ { "The name displayed on the button": "Biplane", "Item for purchase": { "Amount": 500, "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0 }, "Biplane Preset": "biplane_default" }, { "The name displayed on the button": "Stormtrooper", "Item for purchase": { "Amount": 1000, "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0 }, "Biplane Preset": "biplane_stormtrooper" }, { "The name displayed on the button": "Bomber", "Item for purchase": { "Amount": 1000, "Shortname": "scrap", "Skin": 0 }, "Biplane Preset": "biplane_bomber" } ] }, "List of rockets": [ { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_hv.prefab", "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.hv", "Skin": 0 }, { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_hv.prefab", "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic", "Skin": 0 } ], "List of bombs": [ { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_grenade_he.prefab", "Shortname": "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "Skin": 0 } ], "GUI": { "Use the fuel display GUI? [true/false]": true, "Font Size": 20, "OffsetMin": "-100 70", "OffsetMax": "100 120" }, "Marker Setting": { "Add a seller's marker to the card? [true/false]": true, "Text": "Biplane seller" } }


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