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Rust Discord Link Bot (Paid Job)


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Hi there,

I'm looking for someone that can create a Discord bot that will link players Discord accounts and add to a Discord and Oxide group once done.
I would also like it to automatically add Server Boosters that are linked to the appropriate Oxide Group in game.

This bot must be able to support multiple Rust servers and ideally once the player is linked it will auto update the link on all other servers.

The process needs to be as follows.

- User types /auth in-game
- User gets code and then uses a Discord slash command in a certain channel such as /auth (code)
 (This should use the Discord slash command system so that this can all be done in a public channel with other people not being able to view another users authentication process)
- User then gets added to "Authed" Discord and Oxide group.
- If user is a Server Booster it adds then to an Oxide group
- Constantly checks new boosts and adds them to Oxide group if they are authed(Or a /boost command for manual sync, either works)

Obviously needs to include instructions in messages and confirmations to aid user experience.

Any questions about the project or pay, please message me here or add me on Discord @ HarryA#7617

Many thanks

Edited by bladeeciti
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