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Storage plugin.


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basicly something similar to backpack but that has whitelist on skinid. and custom name of items.

and when custom items thats not whitelisted gets returned to backpack or just simply rejected.

and is not wiped on map wipe.

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1. Would Backpack work if it has a whitelist by item name and skin?
2. Yes, it would refuse the item to be moved to the new location.
3. Already a function of the free version of Backpack.

So do you really need a filter for the backpack that extends the capability of the existing whitelist function to skinid's and item names, or an entire separate plugin? How do you envision this working? Does the player have a command or do they need to speak to an NPC, or interact with a containerm u button or some other trigger?


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  • 2 weeks later...

im sorry for the late reply. didnt get a notice.
was thinking a whitelist skin id and item shortname and with a max and min amount allowed to store.

im already using backpack. so need to be another.

and yes a command to open it.

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