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IFN.GG - Door workshop skinid setter [paid]


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Icefuse Networks is currently searching for an experienced programmer for one of our available jobs.

 - We need the ability to set skinid's of doors on `OnTerrainInitialized ` set forth in game with the command /doorskin `workshopid` 
 - This command is only available to auth level 2

 - Discord
 - Fluent English

The budget will be discussed with you privately, depending on your needs or rates.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you are at all interested. Thank you.

Our Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Icefuse-Networks
Our Server list: https://icefuse.net/servers/
Our Website: https://icefuse.net
Our Discord: https://icefuse.net/discord
Our Teamspeak: ts3.icefuse.net

My discord tag: Corvezeo#0001 {server to server messages are enabled, so you can direct PM me from codefling}
My steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/icefuse_networks/

Edited by Corvezeo
Job closed.
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