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Admin creates a zone around a "garage".  Players drive their beat-up vehicles into this zone and the vehicles are instantly repaired to full health.  Option should be in the config for the player to either be charged X amount of scrap or for free.  Needs to work with the ZoneManager plugin (as the zone needs to be created for players to drive into).

You name the price.  Needs to be finished in a day or two.

Posted (edited)


Would a system where a player enters the zone, types a command, and if config set, check for x amount of item, else repair for free do? I'm more than happy to have a look at this as I already have the framework for it, without using zone manager, I just need to heal the cars inside and add a command. Let me know or join our discord and leave a message in the landing. Im more than happy to do this for a fair price if you're happy for it to be publicly listed, or a more reasonable one for private ownership. If you're interested in working with me, hit me up and I'll start looking into healing the cars. If no issues with healing cars i can have this done by tomorrow night, This Would Include:

/SetGarage name radius optional[itemshortname] requiredOptional[amount] - Command to set garage zone, if no item and amount given, zone is free, otherwise item and amount required

/RemoveGarage name - Command to remove garage

Garage' will be configurable directly from json


thanks for reading, 



Edited by xDEgg

I would also be interested in exploring a refuel option too, should healing implement okay 🙂


That sounds great!  Curious, though, how it would work without a zone.  Would your plugin create the zone?  Not really looking for players to be able to repair their cars wherever they want to.
I also thought about "gassing up" and would love the idea.  Maybe it could be a two-for-one plugin that allows the admin to create one or the other or both in the same zone.

Thanks for responding, Matt!


-Matt  😉



Yes, It creates a zone, for this usage i have a nice alternative that isn't dependant on zonemanager that should meet the scope of this perfectly. I'm heading to bed for now, as soon as I'm up i'll have a go at healing the vehicles, if all goes well I'll get it all tied up in a bow, 


Feel free to ping me on discord if you have any other ideas. I was thinking possibly the following:

Option to set garage open hours - possible toggle arg to draw open hours from config 

Player Command to Service, Full Service, Refuel - Players types Service to repair their car, Players types refuel to refuel their car, Players types Full Service to fix and fuel their vehicle. 

Give Settings in json for each garage with defaults, enable config of json to set information such as if can refuel, if can repair, if can both, open hours (possibly use server time?)


Let me know what you think, That should all still be feasible by a 1 or at most 2 day turnaround with testing, thanks,


- Matt


That sounds amazing!  If you'd like to put in the option to set hours of operation, that's up to you.

Just curious; when creating the zone, would the admin be able to see the zone so they know how far it stretches?

Also, if you could give me an idea of the cost, that would be great.

Looking forward to seeing the progress!


Posted (edited)


I've just woke up, I'm gonna give healing a go now. Each zone my creator makes has a togglable visual sphere, so you can turn them on in the datafile by changing true to false and reloading but they default on

I can switch this, so they default off and have to be turned on but its entirely up to you. If you want to own it privately I'd look for a more aggressive cost, but if we can make it okay, and you're happy too, i'm more than happy to take less money and list it for public sale on here

- Matt

Edited by xDEgg

Quick proof of concept, I've tonnes of ideas to put into this to make it roleplay compatible too, 

Taxes, Costs and Economics integration / api,





Hey!  Sorry for the late reply.  I'm in the U.S., so our sleep schedules are different.

The concept looks great!

Are we able to charge Scrap for it when they drive into it?  Possibly a notification that says "You don't have enough Scrap for repairs" if they require more?  Is there an option that forces them to type a command in chat to make the repairs instead of them possibly running into the zone accidentally and repairing their car if they didn't mean to?

Is it possible to have the option to either show or hide the visual of the dome?

As for the economics integration; I've no need for that, but if you would like to throw it in as an option, I think that would be good for others who need it.

I'm more than happy for the plugin to be public, as I'm all for the good of the many.


Posted (edited)


Convenient you were following up as I am,

So far, I have 2 modes, Economics and Items. Items can be configured per garage, so diff garages can charge different items. Domes are configurable Per garage, via Json, this means you can have domes for garage zones in open areas, and no domes for ones in more obvious locations. I've just finished a UI implementation test. The layout / design is temporary so forgive me but does that suit your usage?

As for the price display, I will add a price display per service type, depending on the economics cost or the items cost. 

Current Usage:


/SetGarage name radius - creates entry in json which can then be set up 

/RemoveGarage name


Once the plugin is finished, setup is simple, Do the command and the radius. It will create the dome for a few seconds then the dome will delete. You find the garage in the config, set it up (free, paid item/economic bool, dome bool) in the json, then ingame type

/ActivateGarage name.



I've built the framework for two modes, server (core) and user (experimental)

- Core:

Core mode charges cost from config and provides services

- User:

User Mode is Advance, requires users to spawn a container for their garage, load it with the minimum amount of cost and fuel to repair / refuel cars, this amount is %below the cost charged from players. This Extra amount is returned to the container. Players will not receive tax from their own usage, their team usage, or from players which have been part of their team in the last 7 days


For Developers:

Hooks to check items will be included so that changes or checks can be added to ensure that items with x skin are checked and charged.

Hooks for successful services will be included so that developers can gather statistics on service usage

Hooks on player team checks are provided so that alternative lists of players can be passed, this is to enable checks for clans where specific usage requires

- Matt

Edited by xDEgg

Awesome!  You're really good at this and give such attention to detail.  Bravo.

That looks great and should do nicely.


Great, I'll get a decent looking UI together. Just setting the other 2 options up then will add the cost and focus on making the UI look less third-rate. I was thinking $20 but Im not sure if thats steep or not. Its a niche plugin I don't see many interested in, whats your thoughts?

Posted (edited)

I will update as I go, having a break for now, back at it again in 30 mins

Edited by xDEgg

Alrighty, all three services are behaving as expected, I will take a nap, and finish it up, 

last to do is simply check for item and remove or check for economic and remove before finishing up the UI, then I will start thinking about making a player managed version.




Auto-switch UI modes when Garages are not set to charge an economic or item based value:

Will be submitted for sale soon:




I would go as far as to say Version 1.0.0 is ready. It doesn't have remove or reload commands but can be done from json and reloading the plugin. Thoughts?


Posted (edited)


  "General Settings": {
    "Command Key": 108354963, // Randomly Generated security key for commands
    "Is Enabled": true, // if false, plugin does not run
  "Vehicle Settings": {
    "Dome Layers": 5 // More Layers, Harder Performance, darker the dome. Don't stick to 0 to toggle visibility. Use Garage Data instead.
  "Chat Settings": {
    "Chat Tag Enabled": true, // if true, plugin can announce on load 
    "Chat Tag Color": "4A95CC",
    "Chat Message Color": "C57039"
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0

Garage Data:

"mainroad": {
    "Name": "mainroad", // unique name
    "Position": { // stored pos, dont mess with
      "x": 1034.15991,
      "y": 12.4214535,
      "z": 858.140869
    "Radius": 20.0, // configurable radius
    "ShowZone": false, // if true, shows physical dome
    "Economics System": {
      "Repair with item": true, // if true, uses item to purchase services. If item price 0, is free
      "Refuel with item": true,
      "Service With Item": true,
      "Repair Cost Name": "Paper", // Name displayed in the UI
      "Refuel Cost Name": "Sulfur",
      "Full Service Cost Name": "Wood",
      "Economics": {
        "Repair Economics Amount": 800.0, // cost of balance taken from Wulfs Economics if installed, else default to items
        "Refuel Economics Amount": 1000.0,
        "Full Service Economics Amount": 1
      "Items": {
        "Repair Item To Charge": "paper", // item to charge for service. if invalid name or id, will return err
        "Repair Item Amount": 300, // amount charged for the service
        "Refuel Item To Charge": "sulfur",
        "Refuel Item Amount": 350,
        "Full Service Item To Charge": "wood",
        "Full Service Item Amount": 600

It's also over-engineered to hell lol

Invis Dome:


Edited by xDEgg
  On 4/29/2021 at 1:29 PM, mcoulter876 said:

Perfect!  Damn, you're good.


I'm doing a final once over, and then I'll sub for approval.

If you purchase and have any issues what so ever, my discord is packed in the plugin so you can have dir contact and access to purchase supp channels / teasers

I will eventually update to add a handler for reloading and removing garages from the game instead of having to reload the plugin but yano, once they're set, they set. next patch will include custom map mode, so on wipe it can delete data or reload it. 

Thanks for the Idea and thanks for trusting me to make your vision come to life.

If theres any other notes, let me know 🙂


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