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Vending machines take economics/rewards for curency!


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Not sure if its possible, but can there be a plugin or NPC dealer made,  that can take economics or rp as currency?

End game is to be able to high end clones to players somehow (Like clone GGGYYY) I can put clones in my server rewards shop, but once i add it after making the clone GGGYYY it goes into the shop as standard clone, I brought vending machines up because I can add and sell perfect clones in the vending machines without them changing when added, but the machine only takes scrap for currency not economics like reward store!

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14 hours ago, tacman1981 said:

have you considered using 1 of the items that usually sell to the shop as the currency for this? vending manager is supposed to support rp purchases but i have no luck setting it up to use it

I just got Vending manager set up and it uses economics and sells my perfect clones I got it to work by making research paper the economics currency and used plain paper as scrap, somehow it all works together like it should!!

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