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Loading a gun with restricted ammo breaks gun

Closed 1.2.5


This is hard to explain, but a player had a SAR and tried loading it with explosive 5.56 ammo, which is blocked in our current tier. When they tried to reload the gun with regular ammo it wouldn't let them reload it and just kept showing the error for the explosive 5.56, making the gun useless. 


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This is an old well-known mistake on the subject of weapons. Sometimes these can become blocked in the way you tell me.

This is a problem that happens in all ammo locking add-ons.

I was trying to patch it but couldn't, I don't have any way to reset the type of ammunition that a gun has inside. To do this, what I recommend to players is that they keep the broken weapons and have an admin replace them, or when the era of unlocking that ammunition arrives then they will be able to use it without problems.

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