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death notes

Closed 1.1.7

Dad Frog
Dad Frog


hello KpucTaJl

I have the Deathnotes plugin on my server and obviously with Defendables Bases Deathnotes spams the chat.

Unless I didn't see it in the config, is there a way to disable these messages for this event?

Can we consider adding an option in a future update?

Or I can ask the Deathnotes dev.

What do you think ?



Hi, I am ready for any interaction, but I think that it is necessary to first contact the developer of the DeathNotes plugin for this, this is more a question in his direction than in mine, for my part I am ready to assist if something is needed

Dad Frog

Posted (edited)

Thank you for your answer.
I asked the DeathNotes dev the question, I hope for an answer from him.

Edited by Dad Frog


Did you get any update here yet @Dad Frog? No rush just checking in.



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Dad Frog


@Jbird no nothing, neither here nor with the DeathNotes plugin.
I disabled DeathNotes because it's really annoying for players to have this spam messages



Here we were just waiting for your (and their) response.

There are other death message plugins that you may consider with more active devs, this one was taken over because not maintained but I dunno why someone with low inactivity claimed it.

Had you considered changing the configuration to try to remove messages that way? You could make death messages in certain instances empty maybe? I get it though it would be a lot of messages during that event.

Dad Frog


I tried to delete certain messages for the bots but nothing works or it is also for other bots that I do not want to delete.
I will see about installing another plugin which would be more easily and precisely configurable.
I saw one that seemed to fit but I would have preferred not to have to pay, especially if it didn't meet my expectations...

Dad Frog


Thank you for the link Jbird

Dad Frog


For the spam problem I installed another plugin than DeathNotes.
With this plugin you can choose whether or not to display death messages from this or that bot in this way:
       "scarecrow": {
         "Enable": false,
         "Display name": "scarecrow"
       "scientistnpc_patrol": {
         "Enable": true,
         "Display name": "scientistnpc_patrol"

What should I put to stop receiving messages about Defendable Bases bots?
Here's what I tried but it doesn't work:
       "Sledge": {
         "Enable": false,
         "Display name": "frankensteins.monster"
       "FrankensteinPet": {
         "Enable": false,
         "Display name": "frankensteins.monster"



@Dad Frog all NpcSpawn NPCs are scientistnpc_heavy

I think you would use that for the base and then change the Display Name to Sledge and the other names of the NPCs. I don't know the plugin but that would be my guess. You can ask them on their plugin further but you can take the above information with you, they would all be heavy scientists as a base and then if Display Name reads their names then you should be able to enter their names and block each individually. Not even sure what the plugin is to be fair ha.



How do I get death notes to display player deaths from this plugin?



Please create a new support request @Covfefe this has been closed for months and the original creator will get updates and pings for responses. I understand that you may have replied here because it is about the same plugin but to keep different issues separated and to avoid pinging someone who's ticket has been closed for months please create a new request if you have follow up questions or requests.

As to your question I don't know what you mean as there is nothing special about this plugin regarding player deaths. The only suggestion I can give with so little context is to ensure that heavy scientists are included in the configuration for the plugin, because that is the base NPC used for all NpcSpawn NPCs. The configuration for that plugin is going to control what does or doesn't appear though so this is really a question for DeathNotes to be honest if the answer isn't something simple like just adding heavy scientists because they weren't already in the config..



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