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[Suggestion] MMORPG styled Boss Summoning

Closed 2.1.0



good morning.

Today, i was talking with one of my members and he had some things in mind depending on the bosses that wandering around the map. While these bosses wander around the map, is it quite noticeable that it's hogging the safe zones such as the compound or the bandit camp, disallowing members to enter them. I even got door-camped from time to time because a boss was respawned close to the base and I did not have the firepower to attack them. 

Therefore, we came up with an idea in mind that we would like to share.

MMORPG styled Boss Summoning 

The idea is as follows.

A user/team would like to start a boss battle. They visit a public phone booth to call in a random number that they found while looting a crate or killing an NPC. A strange sound is heard over the phone with demands. After demands are completed, the user/team needs to recall the number. A popup prompt comes, asking if you are ready to fight the boss. 

If ready, the user/team gets teleported somewhere on the map, above the map or under the map inside an arena with the boss present.


You could see Demands as a series of objectives or quests, where the user or team needs to perform several actions in order to complete the demands. From killing a few NPC's to destroying several Bradleys and from collecting items to gathering resources.

End results

While it's now just going for a random boss on the map, the user or team has to complete several steps before they can perform a boss battle. This gives server owners the option to add their own lore to each boss, they could make their own styled arenas for each boss with additional work on rustedit and using spawn markers or something inside these arenas. 



Hi, many server administrators have been using the plugin this way for a long time and I have repeatedly advised using the plugin this way. After all, when you have an arena, you can style it and use any boss's capabilities to the maximum. I have already met several dozen servers who do this and use bosses in arenas. The plugin's capabilities allow this.



Changed Status from Pending to Closed



"After all, when you have an arena, you can style it and use any boss's capabilities to the maximum. I have already met several dozen servers who do this and use bosses in arenas"




And the teleporting part as well for the phone boot?



no, usually administrators use some specialized teleport plugins for this. I usually saw that administrators create arenas somewhere, under some conditions, players TP there (like your phones, I usually saw transition points from Outpost), and the boss spawn in the BossMonster plugin is already configured in the arena. You can set up the boss's spawn by timer or control his spawn in the arena using console commands, the plugin has been updated several times and all the boss locations on the map have been taken into account, as well as both variants of his appearance



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