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Shoppystock plugin VS WelcomePanel

Pending 1.1.0



Good morning.

Yesterday, i have been adding shoppystock to the server. Today, upon entering the server, this was shown on the welcome panel plugin. I use the scroll icon for Skilltree XP scrolls in the shoppystock store. No errors were found during the checkup.





Hmm, buttons had the same position in icon database. If it's placeholder, not an real output item just change the skinId in shop. It should fix your issue, If it's not, then it's weird that buttons use id's assigned for items.



Hi there.


I have tried everything in my book of knowledge, but sadly, no results. They remain on the page. 

As my members are hyped about the shop, is it something that i have to consider on replacing the information panel plugin with something else. Do you have anything similar by any chance? 



I don't have anything for that unfortunately.

It's weird that it placed images in places like that. As i can see from regular plugin configuration there is no image in this place so it looks really weird.
Tbh don't know how can i help you.



Is it possible by any chance that it could somehow conflict with the extension of the welcome panel? It does have an additional DLC option to have a shop system there. 

Or.. what also could be a thing, is that due to the version the game engine is in. Lately, FP has been jumping around from the 2019 UE version and the 2021 UE Version. 


Something else I'm not sure if its related to any plugin, this plugin or the game itself, but did you notice your compiler going offline because it's idle for too long? I have never seen that message before in my console logs. It also happened once that a plugin could not be loaded because the compiler was taking too long over it.

09/13/2023 09:27:44 | Compiler shutdown completed
09/13/2023 09:27:44 | Shutting down compiler because idle shutdown
09/13/2023 07:24:30 | Compiler shutdown completed
09/13/2023 07:24:30 | Shutting down compiler because idle shutdown
09/12/2023 15:33:04 | Compiler shutdown completed
09/12/2023 15:33:04 | Shutting down compiler because idle shutdown




All what i can say is that background of your panel button uses the same item.shortname and item.skinId as your scroll item in shop.

Oxide recently changed complier, didn't read about it a lot. The message might be related to that.



Hi there.

It actually does not at all. I have looked up in the plugin of the panel, and it looks properly coded to me. ( not an expert, but it looks good to me )  If I would disable the plugin and reboot the server, the scrolls will be gone, but once I add shoppystock back, it reappears. 

As you don't have an information panel, any suggestions i could look into? more then happy to help out a friend of yours in the online world of coding.


Thanks for helping out though and taking the time in this. Much appreciated. 



Send me the config of shoppy stock where those scrolls appears.



if it's the tome of skill points (3) i don't know what can be wrong. It looks as it should. Ant there should be no way of breaking the welcome plugin. Maybe you've cleared server's sv.data or something? I don't know how can i help you, sorry. You can talk with welcome panel plugin owner also, but from my side it looks like it should work as it is.



if i would change the image of the tome of skill points, would you think it could resolve the issue? not sure if the item would still work. 



I mean, the problem is in 99% not in my plugin. My plugin assigns image to key name of item shortname and id to skinId, there is no way that button background got changed by that. Maybe you did something wrong during set-up?



Well, i'm out of the blue. i gotta find a solution instead for the welcome panel then. That guy is not helping. He closed my ticket within seconds after he read it, saying i had to nock on your door. 





It was indeed WelcomePanel. David needs to put # with his option for icon placement next to the menu button. I'm pretty pissed at him now for just ditching me like this.


      "Name": "<size=22>HOME</size>",
      "Icon": "#",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",


I would like to say thankyou for your time and efforts once again. Much appreciated. 



Another question

Is it possible by any chance to put a minimum requirement for an item to be sold? I have a few jokers that are selling high-end gear for a fraction of the actual value. 





hm, currently there is no down limit, but i think I can make that in next update.



Hmm, would it be possible to have an additional custom tax option based on category instead? This way, the one that wants to sell weapons, would pay a "weapons" tax on top. Some user came to me this morning with this idea to tackle this problem and i do kinda like the idea of it.



I think so. I also want to implement "timed listings" that you will place only for certain period of time. Can add options to taxes also.

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