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NPC not spawning on "Ghost" rhib

Closed 1.0.6



I have noticed a bug where  NPCs sometimes won't spawn on a rhib, just the rhib with the Map Marker are spawned but with the empty small box on the front as well.

Can you please investigate the case? This  has never happened before last update.

Thank you in advance for looking into it



Do you get any errors in console?

Have you double checked your config to see if there is a preset with an error?

Reload the plugin and let me know if you get anything other than the plugin unloading and loading again when you have a moment @Rahd.


Posted (edited)

I have the same Configs from months, and have never touched them since then - No errors in console after reloading:

WaterPatrol was compiled successfully in 2045ms
Unloaded plugin WaterPatrol v1.0.6 by KpucTaJl
Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'WaterPatrol v1.0.6' took 122ms
Loaded plugin WaterPatrol v1.0.6 by KpucTaJl

Edited by Rahd


Do you have any other plugins that control RHIBs in any way that you can think of @Rahd? Just kicking around ideas at the moment. Haven't heard of or seen this happening. Do you have the ability to remove other plugins to test if it happens without other plugins present?



No plugins that control rhibs, I have the same plugins I had before this issue was occurring.

Trying plugins one by one won't be easy unfortunately, as I am running 150 plugins on my server 😕



Hello everyone, if such boats appear, then there will be an NRE error in the console of your server, then you need to see this NRE error to understand what the problem is, if there is no such error, then these are boats that appear not by this plugin but by something else. This can be easily checked, you can find such a boat, restart the plugin and see if this boat disappears or not, if it disappears, then this is the boat from this plugin, if not, then not. You can also enable markers on the map for all boat presets, and also see if there will be a marker on the map for this boat



Sorry for the late reply, 

there isn't any error in console that I have noticed, I have the NPC already marked on the map and I have checked them again while it doesn't seem the error to occur anymore ( somehow ).

If I will ever notice it happening again I will try to reload the plugin as you have suggested, and eventually let you know.

You can close this ticket, I will re-open it if the issue be there again.

Thank you for your help



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