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Floating left over doors, missing bubble on one I saw?

Closed 2.7.3



Plugin was installed yesterday, seemed to work fine... today though I noticed its acting odd. One base did not have a bubble around it at all, just a base with no NPC's and no message saying I entered the zone. So I used ENT KILL to essentially remove the whole thing... I noticed though there was one single door left that I'm unable to remove.

The EASY base that spawned and despawned next to it, had a bubble... but when it despawned from this location is too left a single door just there, floating in the air. I've attached a screenshot. 

I have not modified anything, did not touch the config scripts or anything ... its the Raidable Bases plugin, and Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 addons. I followed the directions and like I said seemed to work good for 24 hours or so and now this. Any ideas?

Screenshot 2023-07-19 021028.jpg


Posted (edited)

Hi, floating doors that cannot be killed are a visual bug within the game client. you can ignore this as it's harmless and pertains to the CopyPaste plugin

bases not despawning is a separate issue and is most commonly because

1. bad copypaste file
2. linux missing libgdiplus library
3. a bug
4. an error which I'd need the message for

you can use the /rbe kill_cleanup command at any base this happens with to remove them

I've closed the duplicate thread here https://codefling.com/files/support/8353-not-removing-old-bases/

Edited by nivex


I had my host confirm that the libgdiplus library is indeed installed. I'm leaning towards it being a bug myself... server is relatively new (within 2 months), not really running that many plugins aside from the usual administration ones... and the stack modifier I installed was done after these problems started to occur. I'll try and catch it in the console, but imagine it'll be tough as I'll have to catch it when its happening. Is there maybe an option for this plugin to create its own separate logfile that basically copies console logs for spawn and despawn of these bases for debugging purposes? This would be handy, then only this plugins log files are within that file, could capture so many lines before, and so many lines after or something so you have good picture of what's going on for each spawn, despawn. Know what I mean, or this an option already?

The only copy/paste files I'm using are the ones provided by your plugin in Tier 1, 2, and 3. It doesn't seem to just happen with 1 or 2 of those copy/paste bases, its random and happens to various bases and levels. Sometimes they work, and despawn just fine... So unless multiple files copied over as corrupt or are corrupt already on download from here in the zipped file I doubt its bad copy/paste files. Happens to ones that haven't been touched, and ones that have been completed. 


Posted (edited)

it might be helpful to use ent who on some building blocks. they should always say 0 and if they don't then this might explain why this happens. otherwise I don't know without some way to reproduce it.

Despawn Dropped Loot Bags From Raid Boxes When Base Despawns, this is in the profiles (oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/) and I had people enable this as a workaround before. if this still works then let me know

the log file option, Log Debug To File is useless. it always says the base was despawned when it wasn't. that means the despawn was called but it didn't work for whatever reason.

server log might be helpful. if you don't know what a server log is then have your host help you find it or enable it if it's not enabled. logs are sometimes called log.txt, server.log, latest.log, and may be found in root server folder, /logs/2023/07/20/ for example. if you don't see any of those then your host must help you to enable it.

these are not server logs. anything with oxide in the filename is not a server log either.



Edited by nivex
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if (entity.IsKilled() || entity.ShortPrefabName == "item_drop_backpack")

find that in the .cs and change it to this

if (entity.IsKilled())

tell me if that solves it



Thanks I'll try the ent who when I notice it next ... I disabled nightmare bases for now, so just running with the 4 lower ones ... was thinking maybe its not de-spawning items properly due to spawn and de-spawn congestion and since it'll be awhile before enough people get together to tackle a nightmare base, expert is hard enough for them. lol 

I also increased the inactivity spawn time to 120 minutes from 45, as its low pop server and 2 hour renewals on locations good enough... might help decrease the odds of not seeing as many looted bases not having de-spawned. I haven't seen anymore floating doors yet, but going to ask my players in Discord to share locations if they run across them. I'll check out that setting you were talking about, let you know if that helped. 🙂




if (entity.IsKilled() || entity.ShortPrefabName == "item_drop_backpack")

find that in the .cs and change it to this

if (entity.IsKilled())

tell me if that solves it

Where would I post this, in the oxide config for raidablebases.json?




I can't help you with floating doors. that's from the CopyPaste plugin. ignore them



no, in the .cs file

line 16067


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no, in the .cs file

line 16067

I applied in my TEST Server, went and destroyed some bases with C4 ... see if they have issues with de-spawning. I will continue to test it in TEST today and if seems to not have that issue I'll apply to my PROD server sometime tonight or tomorrow morning and let you know. Thanks for the help with this. 🙂



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